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When Technocrats Sunk Their Claws Into President Donald Trump And He Rolled Over

It is inconceivable that this editor missed former President Trump's Executive Order EO 13887 on September 19, 2019, titled Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health. Since then, it apparently has been swept under the carpet, virtually scrubbed from the Internet. Nevertheless, I found it, and this changes everything about Trump's role in the biggest health fiasco in our nation's existence.

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The WEF/WHO Says “Here Comes Disease X”

Mercola writes, "It’s quite clear that 'biosecurity' is the chosen means by which the globalist cabal intends to seize power over the world. I concur. Disease X is being spun as an unknown disease, but the WEF/WHO is sure it will be 22x worse than COVID-19. They do not know what they do not know, but they can say with certainty it will kill you faster. Or, they do know what they do know and are keeping from you. 

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Food Chain Reaction 2015 Simulation

Food Chain Reaction was an international simulation held in Washington D.C. in November 2015. Over the course of two days, 65 thought leaders and policy-makers…

The Great Taking: The Largest Criminal Heist In The History Of The World

I have stated for years that the resources of the world were being stolen from the nations and, hence, the people of the world. The mechanism for total social control is Technocracy. In The Evil Twins of Technocracy & Transhumanism, I clearly showed that the Central Banks were the perpetrators. The prop for this con was climate change. 

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Weinstein To Carlson: W.H.O. Intends To End Free Speech In America

Free Speech is on the chopping block in 2024. We know now who started the conspiracy to commit murder, how they will carry it out, and how they will cover their tracks afterward. If they are successful, it will mean the collapse of America and the end of personal freedom and liberty. Do you care enough to stand up and fight them? Now is the time to support Citizens for Free Speech!!

Red Alert: The Total, Final Obliteration Of Free Speech In 2024

Glenn Beck needs to understand Technocracy, but he understands the importance of Free Speech in America. Here, he exposes the globalist plot to obliterate Free Speech in 2024. It's true. Not in 2030 or 2026, but in 2024. TN featured this story on Dec. 6: Global Censorship Strategy: US And UK Military Contractors Conspiracy. Glenn is exploding it here. If you fail to watch and comprehend, then you become part of the problem. 

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EV Graveyards: Hardly Anyone Wants to Buy a Used One

When you own an EV, likely you will be stuck with it for life, unable to sell it when the battery is shot; your choice is to pay a huge fee tor battery disposal or pay thousands of dollars for a brand new battery. The Technocrat Holy Grail of Smart Grid and control over energy will eventually go up in smoke.

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UN ‘Climate’ Summit: End Energy (In US), Global Taxes, War on Humanity

It's about control of energy and, hence, about controlling economic activity. Abundant, cheap energy cannot be controlled; thus, it must be destroyed. Don't overthink the plot, it is really just this simple. When you own nothing by 2030, you will be sitting in the dark, exposed to bitter cold or sweltering heat. Welcome to Technocracy.

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Oh, Henry. We Will Not Miss You.

The last of the "three amigos" has left the building. Henry (nee Heintz) Kissinger has been reunited with David Rockefeller (1915-2017)  and Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017), all founding members of the Trilateral Commission. Whatever fate awaits them is God's business, but if they end up in Hades together, I expect they will be conspiring to demote the Devil and take over his legions of demons.

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The Humanoid Invasion Is Coming, Like It Or Not!

With AI and industrial robots cometh the humanoids. Elon Musk is in a race with China to see who will lead the world in mass production. Powered by AI, they will be super-capable to step into roles like caregiver, nanny, medical assistant, robocop, para-legal, sex surrogate and more. Technocrats build because they can, not because there is a moral or ethical mandate to do so. As such, they are on a trajectory to destroy what it means to be human.

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