Search Results for china

Chairman Xi Coming To San Fransisco To Wine And Dine With Elon Musk, Other Oligarchs

There is a big thaw in China relations. Why would XI risk WWIII when he can take us from within without firing a shot? China is a Technocracy that panders to Technocrats. Technocrats pander to China. When Zbigniew Brzezinski pandered to Chairman Deng Xiaoping in 1974, he taught him about the merits of Technocracy. Given Musk's family ties to Technocracy in the 1930s, it is obvious why he wants to pander to Xi. There's a lot of pandering going on. Chinese citizens should call their dear leader - "Pander Bear."

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Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy

Elon Musk is a plagiarist and huckster for Technocracy, period. Age of abundance? Universal Basic Income? These concepts arrived in the early 1930s, when Musk's grandfather (Dr. Joshua Haldeman) was the head of the Technocracy movement in Canada. People in the 1930s and 1940s quickly figured out that there was no such as a free lunch and threw Technocracy in the trash bin of history, where it belonged. Now, the world has disguised it, given it a new suit of clothes, and called it revolutionary new thinking. Bottom line: Don't be a sucker!

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Conquering Earth: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as “the science of social engineering” that would enable its crazy new economic system. In time, it became clear that the economic system was the tool to forge pathways into the human psyche. In other words, it was "Silent Weapons for Quite Wars". Today, we see the effects of this at every turn. Technocracy has succeeded in shoving the world into a simulacrum. If you don't get it, then read this whole article.

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‘Green Panic’: Auto Execs Are Sensing EV ‘Multi-Billion-Dollar Electrification’ Collapse

"People are finally seeing reality," says Toyota. "This is a pretty brutal space," says Mercedes. GM sees the transformation to EVs as "a bit bumpy." Statements like these indicate the auto industry is in a free fall, along with customer demand. These execs should be wondering, "How stupid were we to buy into this stupid electrification scheme in the first place?" The "Green Panic" will continue.

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Global “Holodomor” Ahead: The Intentional Destruction Of Agriculture

Dutch farmers and fishermen represent the "canary in the coal mine" in the battle to destroy agriculture worldwide. Everything that is happening there is being replicated in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe. Holodomor means "death by hunger," as was intentionally inflicted on Ukrainian peasants during 1932-33, killing at least 5 million. Now that a global Holodomor is forming, it should be as plain as your nose on your face.

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These Megalomaniac Technocrats Are On Course To Wreck Earth And Outer Space

Elon Musk could easily destroy the planet and outer space, but add others like him, such as Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, and you have a recipe for total disaster. One onlooker: "Gotta love lack of oversight that allows megalomaniacs to ruin the planet for everyone."

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Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

People around the world are wising up about globalists' plans, even in Australia. Many don't understand the role played by Technocracy and Transhumanism, as described in my book "The Evil Twins". However, this is a truism: When free speech is abolished and replaced by propaganda, genocide will show up as certainly as the sun coming up in the morning.

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In The Global Race To Regulate AI, No One Is Quite Sure How

In a never ending exercise in futility, regulators/lawmakers are quickly coming to the conclusion AI can't be corralled. AI runs circles around rules or laws, and genie is already out of the bottle. AI is running at warp speed while humans are running at skate board speed. Alas, there will be wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth.

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The Silicon Valley Technocrats Who Want to Build a City From Scratch

These billionaire Technocrats apparently see the need to separate themselves from society. This a troubling trend. Several other "technates" have been previously announced and are scattered around the world. These are not just mere "smart cities" but rather for Technocrats' own occupation. Technocrats build where is no mandate to do so.

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