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PCR Tests Are Used To Cause Disease Panic

The use of PCR tests to determine viral infection will go down in history as one of the greatest misuses of medical technology ever. Even though it can detect viral presence, PCR is wholly unable to measure viral load. A person's level of viral load that exceeds their immune system's ability to overcome it, is when symptoms appear and actual infection occurs. 

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Kennedy On Fauci: ‘Apocalyptical Forces Of Ignorance And Greed And Totalitarianism’

This is the face of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. Social engineering and herd management principals are elevated to a status of 'prime directive' and then quietly executed behind the curtain. Now, that curtain is being ripped apart, exposing total disregard for human life and wellbeing.

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The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past And Present

The Atlantic Council conferred it highest honor, the Distinguished Business Leadership Award, to Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla. The Council is a top-tier global elite clique whose membership has been tightly intertwined with the Trilateral Commission since 1973, leading critics to declare that global policies of the two organizations are synonymous.

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WEF Says Synthetic Biology Is The Key To Reset Living Systems

Technocrat/Transhuman scientists define synthetic biology as "the design of novel biological components and systems" and "the re-design of existing biological systems." This means AI-assisted genetic engineering to create new or modified life forms. This is why the UN has called for a complete mapping of all DNA on earth to be used as a global commons database.

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Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors

Technocrats at Big Pharma cannot tolerate dissenting doctors, especially those who have successfully treated COVID with early therapies. Thus, they are using every possibly lever to destroy their careers and silence them. This anti-competitive practice could be stopped by local, state or federal government and/or courts, but they are silent. This highlights that it is Technocrats who are in control now, not government.

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Federal Judge Rejects DOD Claim That Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty Vaccines Are ‘Interchangeable’

When the FDA approved Comirnaty on August 23, +I wrote the next day, FDA/Media Shell Game: Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Was Not Approved After All and concluded, "The FDA and Pfizer have just played a shell game that leads the world to think that the Pfizer drug has been approved, but it clearly has not!" Now a federal judge has said exactly the same thing: the Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty shots are NOT "interchangeable".

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Autonomous Truck Yard Has More Robots Than Human Workers

The Great Panic of 2020, aka pandemic, has driven robot automation to new levels because of worker shortages. What some are saying were "nightmarish jobs", were jobs nonetheless and provided a living for now-displaced workers. With increasing use of robots, Universal Basic Income is seen as the only way to assuage the new class of unemployables.

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Progressive View Rejects Zuckerberg’s ‘Dehumanizing Vision’ Of A ‘Metaverse’

TN has always said that Technocracy exists outside of political confines and definitions. Thus, increasing numbers of writers from both progressive and conservative angles are identifying the threat of a "technology coup", "dehumanizing vision", the WEF's "Technocratic governance" and so on.

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Mercola: Fully Vaxxed 9 Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized

The pandemic's science and data are twisted beyond recognition in the same way that global warming alarmists did with climate change alarmism. Despite being exposed time after time, it never served to slow them down or to clean up their act. In turn, this exposes the mean-spirited predatory nature of Technocrat pseudo-science.

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Technocracy Ahead: Digital ID Is Set To Control Your Life

India has been the global testing ground for a ubiquitous digital id that will be your constant companion as you move through your day, providing access to every service, building and activity. If it is ever "cut off", you will have nothing and you won't be happy about it. Technocrats seek total control over everything in society, moving or not.

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