Search Results for china

China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom: Packs Of Drones Hunting Humans

The faux cover for advanced drones that can fly and hunt in packs is that they will be used in rescue operations. However, there is no technology in China that has not ultimately been used for warfare or suppression of their own citizens. These drones can be easily fitted with explosives or other weapons capable of disabling and/or killing their target.

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Is China Starting Another Giant Purge Of Citizens?

China's brutal lockdown of 1 billion people is inexplicable. If there is widespread sickness, why hasn't it spread to the rest of the world like SARS-Cov-V-2? The answer lies only in Technocrat social engineers who have determined some other agenda that is not yet readily apparent.

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Does China Have Vested Interest To Kill Capitalism?

One cannot trust any propaganda coming from China, but its latest actions to lock down major cities again threatens to disrupt the global supply chain. The big question is, would China sacrifice a few million of its citizens to destroy capitalism on behalf of Technocracy?

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Corbett: Technocracy’s Siren Call In China Summons Technocrat Tyrants

Birds usually keep to their own species. Eagles don't fly with sparrows, nor buzzards with geese. Technocrats are like that and underscore the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together." Tyrants and Big Tech love and esteem China, not because it is a communist dictatorship, but because it is a Technocracy! This article nails it.

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DHS Fusion Centers Are Drivers Of Total China-Like Surveillance

As DHS Fusion Centers have infiltrated police departments across America, the invasive surveillance state has grown up right under our noses. It has become like the all-seeing Eye of Sauron that sees everything but misinterprets everything and understands nothing. TN has warned about Fusion Centers for years.

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Big Economic Trouble In China Further Threatens Global Supply Chain

Before the war started in Ukraine, China was already headed into a huge economic abyss. The Hang Seng tech index has dropped 61% from its top last year, while the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index of U.S.-traded stocks has fallen 68%. Now the city of Shenzhen, China's equivalent to Silicon Valley, has been shut down over COVID.

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Chinese Scholar Declares The Benefits Of Technocracy In China

The Beijing-based author is an apologist for Technocracy in China and explores all the right historical contexts to conclude: "Technocracy is a better and fairer use of power than any other hierarchical system... a better way to confront social problems than authoritarian politics divorced from technical expertise." As such, President Xi is supremely qualified to lead the way.

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China Showcases Massive Surveillance Capabilities At Beijing Olympics

China is a full-blown Technocracy where the "science of social engineering" has been honed to a razor's edge. The Beijing Olympics is displaying the depth and extent of its capabilities for the world to see. Dissenters and critics are patently not allowed and those who remain will be like ants under a microscope.

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Beijing Olympics: China Has Access To DNA Of Top U.S. Athletes

Technocrats in China have long been collecting Western DNA from the United States, Canada and Europe. Now, they have direct access to the DNA of top athletes. Futuristic military applications include development of advanced bioweapons that specifically target non-Asian races.

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China’s Technocrat Builders Create Equivalent Of 27 Empty New York Cities

I have long claimed that China morphed into a Technocracy starting in 1978 when National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, brought Chairman Deng Xiaoping and China out of the economic dark ages. Today, Chinese Technocrats just keep building things, even though there is no demand or need to do so.

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