Search Results for transhumanism

Scientism, Not Science, Drives Technocracy And Transhumanism

Technocracy is to the structure of society and economy as Transhumanism is to the people who live there. The common ground between Technocracy and Transhumanism is Scientism, or the worship of science. Scientism replaces God and creates its own priesthood to administer its pseudo-science to society while crushing all opposing narratives.

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Mercola: Technocracy And Transhumanism Now In Phase II Of Total Takeover

You cannot fight an enemy that you do not know. However, many experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola, are now boldly recognizing Technocracy as the clear and present danger to the entire world, with Transhumanism attached at the hip like a Siamese twin. Together, they seek control over every resource on earth, including all humans.

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Oxymoron: Christian Transhumanism Is Trending

There are no common points of belief between Transhumanism and Christianity, but that doesn't stop the Christian Transhuman movement from throwing in together. The resulting rhetoric doesn't make sense to either side, nor to the public-at-large.

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Metaverse: Blurring The Lines Of Reality With NWO Transhumanism

With the metaverse at your fingertips, you can literally own nothing and be happy in your fantasy world, perhaps enhanced with a little 'magic mushroom' hallucinogenic for extra thrills and connections. Will your reality be where you exist in the physical universe or in the metaverse?

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Transhumanism Emerges As Dominant

I have always connected Technocracy with Transhumanism because both are underpinned by Scientism. However, Technocracy as an economic system started in the early 1900s when…

Why Are Crypto Leaders Embracing Transhumanism?

Transhumanism seeks to ultimately conquer death by applying advanced technology to the human condition. Crypto leaders are typically young, but also thoroughly saturated with technology that seems to be attractive to the Transhuman movement, creating an interesting crossover.

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The Evil Twins Of Transhumanism And Technocracy

The dots between Technocracy and Transhumanism are easily connected once its understood that both sit atop the pseudo-science religion of Scientism, which posits that science is god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood. This article provides the current framework to understand this nexus.

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Mercola On Convergence: Transhumanism And The Great Reset

The World Economic Forum is not only thoroughly bonded to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, but also to Transhumanism leading to biodigital convergence. All is based on scientism and the worship of science as the only source of truth for mankind's future.

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Shock: Canadian Government Openly Embraces Transhumanism

The following text and slides are taken directly from Canada's Federal Government organization, Policy Horizons. It is pure Transhumanism and Technocracy that seeks "full physical integration of biological and digital entities" in order to "change human beings - our bodes, minds and behaviors".

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