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Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth

Few people saw the real driving force behind Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Convention in 1992. This article is necessarily long and detailed. Some may find it difficult to follow. However, the research is explosive and gives a new and poignant explanation of how and why the world was thrown upside down with a pandemic narrative orchestrated by Big Pharma and the biotechnology industries.

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Sweden Indefinitely Suspends Moderna Shot After Deadly Heart Condition

Sweden is the fourth nation to ban Moderna. Brick by brick, the globalist fear-mongering campaign is being dismantled and recognized for what it is. Propaganda and experimental injections at the expense of lives is unacceptable, and the Technocrats who control the narrative should be removed from all public policy.

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Medical Technocrats Rushing To Vaccinate Young Children

The Technocrat's propaganda machine has shifted into high gear to praise the benefits of children being vaccinated. Millions of parents will likely be deceived into believing the propaganda. Children are the least likely of any age group to have trouble with COVID, and available shots are still given under Emergency Use Authorization.

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Mercola: Over 200,000 Have Now Died From COVID Jab

Technocrats have so muddied the data through convoluted statistics and illogic, that it is very hard to cut through the clutter to figure out exactly what is happening. This report provides a clear view of the damage caused by mRNA gene therapy injections, and calls for immediate halt to public distribution.

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Here Is The Web Of Technocrat Propagandists Who Silence Truth

Technocrat propaganda has risen to levels never seen before as multiple propagandist giants band together to blanket the the world with false and fabricated narratives. Obscuring truth, shaming and marginalizing detractors, slandering, and defaming are a few of their tools used to promote their narrative while denying all others the ability to refute.

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NIH Director Collins Resigns Over Gain-Of-Function Lies

One top medical Technocrat bites the dust in shame as he resigns after 10 years of leadership at the National Institute of Health. Along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Collins was up to his eyeballs in denials of funding gain-of-function research for coronavirus in the US and China. Fauci seems to be more thick-skinned than Collins, resisting demands to resign.

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Susan Rice Surfaces Again To Save Biden’s Agenda

Former member of the Trilateral Commission and Biden's top lieutenant is scrambling to save Biden's agenda - or is it Rice's agenda on behalf of her Great Reset handlers? Perhaps both, as she is increasingly seen as being the only adult in the room and behind-the-scenes master of the Biden Administration.

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Whitehead: Are Government Roundups Of Resistors In Our Future?

Technocracy and the surveillance state it has created has one main natural enemy: unpredictability. What is predictable is marketable. What is not predictable spoils the predictability of the herd, and hence, marketable profits. Thus, taking the unpredictable, the non nudge-able, the narrative spoilers, etc., out of circulation makes perfect sense.

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London Slips Into Technocracy, Becomes Blueprint For The World

The tiny City of London, just one square mile in size, is where all the banks and financial institutions are located. This is the yeast that leavens the whole lump of dough, as Greater London and all of England have slipped into Technocrat tyranny. National leadership reflected this with the elections of Theresa May and then Boris Johnson, both having succumbed to the forces of Techno-Populism.

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