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How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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Bill Gates: The Figurehead of Modern Technocracy

Bill Gates is a ruthless monopolist with visions of global dominance. His tentacles manipulate education, geo-engineering, climate, agriculture, population surveillance, genetics, medicine and governments. He is singularly the most important driver of the pandemic and mandated vaccine policies.

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Endgame: Forced Vaccination Targets WEF ‘Great Reset’ As Outcome

Don't be "gaslighted" by the World Economic Forum or the Big Pharma medical system: These have declared war on humanity by ripping apart the fabric of society through tyranny. It is a scorched-earth strategy that provides the survivors with the opportunity to "build back better." The losers will left in a state of neo-feudalism where "you will own nothing and be happy."

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Cause And Effect: Technocracy Directly Linked To Medical Tyranny

The writer, Thomas Knapp, is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism. He is spot on to see the so-called pandemic as a direct outcome of Technocracy, and concludes, "the technocrats exercised their power abusively — and ineffectually too boot. It’s time to take that power away."

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Lab Grown Meat Industry On Billion Dollar Collision Course To Oblivion

“It’s a fable driven by hope, not science, and when the investors finally realize this the market will collapse.” Lab grown meat is a fairy tail that has no more chance of saving the world than does windmills or solar panels. The overblown hype of science-can-do-anything is due for a comeuppance and none too soon before these unbridled Technocrats destroy civilization.

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Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’

Former FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, admits that the 6 foot figure for social distancing was completely arbitrary and had no science behind it whatsoever. This is why schools were shut down since students could not be kept 6 feet apart. All for nothing. If parents were not angry before, this will set their hair on fire

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Scientists: Edible Plants Being Altered To Carry mRNA Vaccine Payload

GMO Lettuce and spinach could carry the mRNA vaccine directly into humanity's food supply, obviating "informed choice". This follows virus development where a GMO contagious virus would carry the mRNA vaccine. Why are Transhuman scientists so bent on changing the genetic structure of mankind? Humans 2.0.

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Washington State Is Hiring ‘Strike Team’ For Secured Isolation/Quarantine Facility

Leftist governor Jay Inslee established an isolation and quarantine facility in Centralia and is now seeking to hire a "strike team" to provide services, security and management to the facility. Patient check-in is said to be voluntary but you cannot leave without notifying the staff. The state provides around-the-clock security.

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Technocrats Are Preparing ‘Mandatory’ Personal Carbon Allowances

As forecast, the pandemic and global warming memes are merging because they are both orchestrated by the exact same alarmist crowd of Sustainable Development ideologues. The UN's Sustainable Development goals are the plumb line for the future of humanity and are totally embedded in the WEF's Great Reset.

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