Search Results for agenda 21

The Technocrat Mind: Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past And Present

The Atlantic Council conferred it highest honor, the Distinguished Business Leadership Award, to Pfizer Chairman Albert Bourla. The Council is a top-tier global elite clique whose membership has been tightly intertwined with the Trilateral Commission since 1973, leading critics to declare that global policies of the two organizations are synonymous.

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Maximum Censorship: School Board Critics Arrested By School Board Cops

Parents all across America are discovering what kind of people have taken over their school boards while they were sleeping. As pressure is applied, threatened school board members are using every tool available to them in order to censor, suppress and destroy their critics. The conflict is far from over.

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WEF Says Synthetic Biology Is The Key To Reset Living Systems

Technocrat/Transhuman scientists define synthetic biology as "the design of novel biological components and systems" and "the re-design of existing biological systems." This means AI-assisted genetic engineering to create new or modified life forms. This is why the UN has called for a complete mapping of all DNA on earth to be used as a global commons database.

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Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors

Technocrats at Big Pharma cannot tolerate dissenting doctors, especially those who have successfully treated COVID with early therapies. Thus, they are using every possibly lever to destroy their careers and silence them. This anti-competitive practice could be stopped by local, state or federal government and/or courts, but they are silent. This highlights that it is Technocrats who are in control now, not government.

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Progressive View Rejects Zuckerberg’s ‘Dehumanizing Vision’ Of A ‘Metaverse’

TN has always said that Technocracy exists outside of political confines and definitions. Thus, increasing numbers of writers from both progressive and conservative angles are identifying the threat of a "technology coup", "dehumanizing vision", the WEF's "Technocratic governance" and so on.

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Study: Double-Jabbed Dying at 6x Higher Rate Than the Unvaxxed

Technocrats have apparently taken control of the death rate, exposing their agenda of population reduction. The number of vax-related deaths is soaring to genocidal proportions and not even a whole year has passed since the massive shot campaign started. And yet, there is no talk about halting these FDA unapproved shots.

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Part II: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

While the world focuses on global warming and pandemics, the greatest heist of all time is taking place right under our nose: "For them it means possession of everything: every resource on the planet, all land, all water, the air we breath and the natural world in its entirety, including all of us."

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Delingpole: COP26 UN Summit Is Globalist Gaslighting Operation

Merriam Webster on gaslighting: to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability.

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World Economic Forum Embraces Metaverse Future

The author concludes that the metaverse is "the next major computing platform" and is "expected to have a strong connection with the real-world economy – and eventually become an extension of it". Virtual reality, extended reality and immersive reality will warp human ability to comprehend actual reality.

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