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Transhumanism: Dancing With The Digital Devil

Many people flippantly dismiss alarms over transhumanism, not realizing that they are being drawn into the most clever trap in human history; one that promises Utopia but delivers destruction. This article is a must-read deep think that enhances the title of my latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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Brownstone: Twenty Grim Realities Revealed By Lockdowns

Without mentioning the word Technocracy, the author describes its effect on the world and in particular, on America. While Technocracy often uses Marxist ideologies to destroy the existing civilizational structure, it is not Marxist in itself. The Technocracy movement prides itself on being the masters of the "science of social engineering".

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Dr. Naomi Wolf: Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, As Evidenced By Its Own Documents

Dr. Naomi Wolf has uncovered hard evidence within Pfizer documents that the company has intentionally designed its mRNA shots to target the reproductive cycle of women in their child-bearing years. This puts intense depopulation pressure on entire societies.  There are many other effects such as myocarditis, paralysis, stroke, blood clots, up to and including death.

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The End Of Free Speech Will Be The End Of America

Technocrat Elon Musk gave the last glimmer of hope for Free Speech when he bought Twitter and pledged "free speech for all". Millions of censored victims flocked to Twitter to find relief. Even as the mice ran in,  the trap was sprung as Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, a woke media mogul with top leadership roles at the World Economic Forum.

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Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger Turns 100, Still Not Held Accountable

Kissinger was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission, a confidant and key operative of the Rockefeller dynasty and a serial meddler in foreign affairs that resulted in the deaths of millions. It was Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski who originally called for a Constitutional Convention to rewrite America's future. Praised by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton alike, Kissinger consistently superseded political boundaries.

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Scientists Warn Genetically Engineered Insects Could Be Easily Weaponized

Although this article was originally published October 23, 2018, it is more prescient today than before. Genetic scientists who are tinkering with nature will not end up helping nature, but rather will destroy it. Insects containing genetically engineered viruses have as much killing potential as any other weapon on earth.

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Eric Schmidt: AI Poses Existential Threat To People

Eric Schmidt, the creator of Google, surveillance capitalism and member of the Trilateral Commission that started modern globalization, aka Technocracy, says government needs to protect us from AI being “misused by evil people”. In other words, the Technocrats who created AI will be the ones in charge of regulating it. Evil handed over to evil.

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Hohmann: The Entire World Is Clamoring For A Global Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization and its sister organizations have established a global delusion covering all 194 nations, including the U.S. Delusion is defined as "A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary, generally in reference to a mental disorder." In short, the world has gone mad. 

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Russia’s Cyber Gulag: Tracking And Controlling Citizens

Russia was historically slow in uptake of total surveillance technology, but they are racing to catch up, partly because of the war in Ukraine and partly because its propaganda engine is wearing thin with its populace. Russia's tightening relationship with China also signals a transfer of technology and Technocratic strategies to implement it.

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Nearly Half of NYC Hotel Rooms Now Filled with Illegal Migrants

The destruction of both America and Europe by illegal immigration is a policy of the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission. TC bigwig Peter Sutherland, as Special Envoy on Immigration to the UN, opened up Europe like a can of sardines. TC members in the U.S. have followed the same policy. This article reveals how close we are to total meltdown.

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