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Technocrat Tools: Fabricated Stories, Blatant Propaganda And Outright Lies

Technocrats know as many dirty tricks as the most corrupt political carpet-bagger, but when they intentionally threaten the lives of millions, it takes on a very dark nature. Recognizing the propaganda is the first step in rejecting it; thereafter, it must be resisted and exposed at every turn by exercising our own rights to Free Speech.

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Truth Or Consequences: Will You Risk Your Life Over Pseudo-Science?

Important drug treatments for COVID-19 like HCQ and Ivermectin were intentionally withheld from infected people who ultimately died. Likewise, important life-saving medical knowledge was also intentionally censored and withheld. The Technocrats behind this must be held accountable for the resulting carnage.

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Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code

Technocracy's coup d'etat, in full swing, fully intends to flip the world into a Scientific Dictatorship where every human will be tracked, monitored and managed from cradle-to-cradle. The documentation about this is readily available and very clear. The only question is whether citizens will resist or not.

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IBM Colluded With Hitler, Now Leads In Making Vaccine Passports

In 1932, IBM and the Technocracy movement shared the basement of Hamilton Hall, which is where Hollerith tabulator was developed. Both IBM and Technocracy played a role in Nazi Germany, but IBM's involvement was unspeakable yet thoroughly documented. IBM is now the leader in promoting and developing vaccine passports!

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The Curious Case Of FDA’s Approval Of Comirnaty

The FDA has long been criticized for its "revolving door" with Big Pharma where top executives move back and forth in top positions. The case of FDA approval of BioNTech's Comirnaty gene therapy injection abandoned all traditional precedents in pushing it through: incomplete data and trials, insufficient control group and no review board.

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San Diego County ‘Declares Health Misinformation To Be A Public Health Crisis’

This is the full text of San Diego County's new censorship war on "misinformation" about COVID-19, vaccines and related topics. The county proposes to "partner with federal, state, territorial, tribal, private, nonprofit, research, and other local entities " to figure out how to implement the censorship campaign.

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COVID Noncompliance Now Labeled Top ‘Terror Threat’

Never mind that the Taliban is slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians or that "Israelis who have received the COVID jab are 6.72 times more likely to get infected than people who have recovered from natural infection", if you oppose vaccination or other pandemic measures, YOU have been summarily declared to be a top terror threat.

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