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Aussies Go For Biometric Digital Identity, America Follows

The Technocrat stampede to implement digital ID programs is a global phenomenon, and it evidence that Technocrats are operating and strategizing at a much higher level than national geographic boundaries. Biometric digital identity is absolutely necessary for total social control. Just ask China.

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Technocracy: Humanity Is Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison And Digital Gulag

Technocracy is to liberty and freedom as anti-matter is to matter. It is a gangrene upon the world, eating its flesh and vitality region by region, nation by nation. It is a contagious mental disease where subjects submit to digital slavery, not knowing or understanding that it may result in their ejection from society or even premature death. It is a panopticon designed to control people from the inside rather than by external forces. 

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Post-Covid: Twelve Challenges For A Shattered World

Technocracy's main assault on humanity started with the "Great Panic of 2020" and it left a shattered world. The war is far from over and the enemy will to whatever it takes to widen the divisions and inflict more damage. Thanks to non-stop propaganda, the masses are looking elsewhere for solutions. Addressing these 12 challenges is essential, but only in the context of this ongoing war.

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New ‘Foreign Malign Influence Center’ To Oversee Disinformation Orgs

The Federal government will not give up on crushing Free Speech and the First Amendment. This new agency will have sweeping powers to oversee other "disinformation" organizations in the government. Although focused on things like election interference from foreign sources, any American who repeats such things will be on the radar for legal action.

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The 7 Pillars Of A Global CBDC System

There is no doubt that Central Bank Digital Currencies are in our future, but much of the initial alarmist reporting missed many important details and events associated with global development of CBDCs. This research paper lays out the current status and roadmap in clear, unambiguous terms. Recommended reading!

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Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles To Be Electric By 2030

Considering the vast number of U.S. military vehicles around the world, Biden's Secretary of Energy thinks that we can just rebuild the entire empire with electric vehicles instead - in just 7 years. If war breaks out, the military would have to ask for a timeout to install charging stations on the enemy's battlefield.

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Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans

Arizona's very own Sen. Krysten Sinema has joined the WEF and Bilderberg group to enter the rarified atmosphere of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Elected as a Democrat, she became an Independent so she could work both sides of the political isle. Sinema is a climber and S.884 proves the point.

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The Waiting-For-Pandemic Transhuman Cult of Biodefense

The Transhuman quest for genetic modification in order to change the human condition will end in total disaster. "Hacking the human body" is a myth perpetuated by academics like Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab with his Fourth Industrial Revolution narrative. Globally, however, biodefense spending is in the trillions and shows no signs of restraint.

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Warning: RESTRICT Act Is A Huge Orwellian Censorship Grab

The war on Free Speech and the First Amendment is accelerating with the introduction of a supposedly bi-partisan anti-TikTok bill. If enacted, the government would have dictatorial power to shut down websites, impose harsh prison sentences and huge fines. The Restrict Act must not be allowed to pass!

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