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FDA/Media Shell Game: Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Was Not Approved After All

The FDA and Pfizer have just played a shell game that leads the world to think that the Pfizer drug has been approved, but it clearly has not! This obfuscation, if not outright deception, belongs at the feet of the Food & Drug Administration. Nevertheless, the entire nation is swooning over vaccine mandates from every conceivable quarter.

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Fauci: Pfizer’s FDA ‘Approval’ Will Spawn Vaccine Mandates

The nation's leading unelected and unaccountable Technocrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci, seems happy that more vaccine mandates will rapidly be set into place since the FDA claims to have given approval to Pfizer's gene therapy injection. With Fauci, it's about power, or being "empowered" to force your will on others.

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H.R.4980: Permanent No-Fly Grounding For Unvaccinated

In this era of Covid and vaccine hysteria, one would expect that legislation would be proposed to ban all non-vaccinated individuals from the formerly friendly skies of U.S. aviation. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Richie Torres [D-NY-15] and co-sponsored by Rep. Ed Case [D-HI-1]. It has been referred to the House Homeland Security Committee.

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Big Pharma’s Worst Nightmare: Global Rebellion Against Vaccine Mandates Explodes

This news is heavily censored in American media and even when one story appears, the dots are not connected to all the other countries that are rising up against mandated vaccination. However, Big Pharma likely doesn't care what people do as long as the billions keep rolling in.

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United Airlines Mandates Injections For 67,000 Employees

The lure of genetically modified injections, all unapproved by the FDA, is too great for global corporations to resist. Pilots are particularly at risk of vaccine injury because of flying at altitude and sitting for long periods of time. Genetic engineering is the chosen field of Transhumanists and Technocrats.

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