Search Results for agenda 21

Mercola: Chinese Defector Reveals COVID Origin

It is ultimately important to know for certain where SARS-CoV-2 was engineered and what motive was behind its release. Technocrats in China have no problem working with Technocrats in the United States or around the world, to achieve common goals. The non-stop propaganda machine since January 2020, is definitely trying to obscure the truth.

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Unpacking Propaganda: What Is It? What Can You Do About It?

America is awash with harmful and dangerous propaganda, but few people understand what it is, how it works and what can be done to overcome it. This article examines the nature, structure and intent of propaganda so readers can increase awareness and discernment. 

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COVID Authoritarians Are Wrecking America, Not The Unvaccinated

Writers are recognizing that the "blame game" points fingers away from the real perpetrators. Technocrats have triggered the base and dark instincts of would-be tyrants to completely disrupt the world's economic system, thus playing into the so-called "Great Reset" to "Build Back Better".

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Shock: COVID Shots May Be Killing More People Than COVID Itself

Reading statistical data can be tricky, but consistent inferences across different data sets is like "where there is smoke, there is fire."  Globally, vaccine-related deaths may be approaching 1 million. Why haven't these FDA Emergency Use Authorization injections been halted? Hint: The agenda doesn't include saving lives.

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Businesses Face $700,000 Fine For Not Forcing Shots On Employees

The Biden Administration is destroying the supply chain via port traffic, border controls by removing the wall, health by mandating vaccines, consumers with hyper-inflation and is now destroying companies and the labor market. Never have so few done so much to implement a scorched-earth program of economic destruction.

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WEF Creates Framework For ‘Responsible’ Facial Recognition

Always claiming the centrist, balanced thought leader position, the WEF "offers a framework to ensure the responsible use of facial recognition technology." There is little concern over personal privacy, but only if it is accurate enough and will minimize wrongful arrests. Focus is on police actions to contain and predict criminal activity, thus promoting a police state.

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Here Is The Web Of Technocrat Propagandists Who Silence Truth

Technocrat propaganda has risen to levels never seen before as multiple propagandist giants band together to blanket the the world with false and fabricated narratives. Obscuring truth, shaming and marginalizing detractors, slandering, and defaming are a few of their tools used to promote their narrative while denying all others the ability to refute.

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London Slips Into Technocracy, Becomes Blueprint For The World

The tiny City of London, just one square mile in size, is where all the banks and financial institutions are located. This is the yeast that leavens the whole lump of dough, as Greater London and all of England have slipped into Technocrat tyranny. National leadership reflected this with the elections of Theresa May and then Boris Johnson, both having succumbed to the forces of Techno-Populism.

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‘Carbon Crimes’: Torturing Law And Reason to Rid The Planet Of Climate Change Deniers

Several years ago, climate propagandist Al Gore stated, "Climate deniers deserved to be punished." As tyranny gains traction, it always finds a way to forcibly suppress its intended victims. This article nails it: "The climate movement has discovered criminal law as a tool for conducting climate politics."

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