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CBDC: Technology And Tyranny Worse Than Prison

The world has been warned over and over again about the dangers of technological capture, but it has not slowed the pace of adoption. The actors pushing this are Technocrats and they are pursuing Technocracy. When citizens finally wake up to what happened, it will be too late to do anything about it.

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How Trump Was Convinced To Lock Down Over Sars-CoV-2

Did the tail wag the dog or did the dog wag the tail? If it was the national-security/intelligence sector that spooked Trump into flip-flopping into a draconian policy to "defeat" COVID by locking down the nation, then we can be certain that globalist Technocrats were at work to make sure the script of Event 201 was followed to the letter.

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OpenAI CEO Altman Sounds Alarm Over AI and ChatGPT

Sam Altman is in love with AI and GPT-4, but is also scared over the dark side. His biggest concern: Disinformation and fabricated cyber attacks, yet thus far, only a limited version of AI has been released, as if to say that there is much more that will be released after the public absorbs the current versions.

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Grants Reveal Feds’ Horrific Plans To Censor Americans’ Speech

The founding fathers should have included extra text in the First Amendment: "Congress shall not make any law, Executive shall not make any rule or order, Judiciary shall make no ruling" abridging freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peaceable  assembly and right to protest the government for redress of our grievances.

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Zelensky The Technocrat: War in Ukraine Obscures Rush To Technocracy

Before the war, Zelensky's first initiative after his election, was to create a Ministry of Digital Transformation headed by Technocrat and WEF Young Leaders graduate, Mykhailo Fedorov. With a digital ID at the core, "government in a smartphone" solidifies Technocrat control. Worse, the U.S. taxpayer is funding a large portion of the transformation.

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Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares “2023 is Year One of this new global order”

The Trilateral Commission's 50th anniversary marks the culmination of its self-proclaimed "New International Economic Order".  On March 12, the Trilateral Commission held its plenary meeting in New Delhi, India to discuss issues relating to globalization. Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Technetronic Era" has apparently officially arrived.

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Technocracy Exposed With The World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’

Global public health is merely the prop for the greater scheme of taking control of the entire planet and all of its resources, including humans. If adopted, the treaty will  doom democracy and republicanism to the dustbin of history. Big Pharma and the biotech industry will sit at the top of the new international Technocracy, directing the transmogrification of Humanity 2.0 .

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Medical Technocracy: The Forced Medication Of All Citizens

It should be, "your body, your choice". That's over. The combined forces of Technocracy and Transhumanism are now in control of your body, both of what you put into it and what comes out of it. All disease, whether real or faked, will be treated by protocols from on high and at their discretion and timing.

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Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

Klyczek: "Malthusianism is the bedrock of Darwinism, which is the foundation of eugenics, which is the cornerstone of transhumanism. Put another way, transhumanism encompasses both the Malthusian-sustainable control of population quantity and the Darwinian-eugenic control of population quality by means of technocracy. "

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Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame Of Total Control

The central bank cartel, headed by the Bank for International Settlements, is playing its CBDC card to dominate the world. Welcome to Fintech, the new financial arm of the Great Reset, the ordained financial system for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. The rise of central bankers is described in my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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