Search Results for agenda 21

How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite's goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world.

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Bill Gates: The Figurehead of Modern Technocracy

Bill Gates is a ruthless monopolist with visions of global dominance. His tentacles manipulate education, geo-engineering, climate, agriculture, population surveillance, genetics, medicine and governments. He is singularly the most important driver of the pandemic and mandated vaccine policies.

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Cause And Effect: Technocracy Directly Linked To Medical Tyranny

The writer, Thomas Knapp, is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism. He is spot on to see the so-called pandemic as a direct outcome of Technocracy, and concludes, "the technocrats exercised their power abusively — and ineffectually too boot. It’s time to take that power away."

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States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Tyranny And Lawlessness

TN declared war on Technocracy in 2018, but few responded. However, given today's global pandemic of tyranny, many are recognizing that we must fight back whether we like it or not. This is not a war that we started or desired, but it is clear that Technocrats at all levels are being exposed for what they are: tyrants.

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UN Head Urgently States ‘We Need Multilateralism With Teeth’

The head of the UN states, "We must make lying wrong again." This global gaslighting is astonishing after the UN has amply displayed its own culture of continuous lies on every front, fabricating and corrupting data to show whatever emergency situation that drives their Technocrat agenda.

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IBM Colluded With Hitler, Now Leads In Making Vaccine Passports

In 1932, IBM and the Technocracy movement shared the basement of Hamilton Hall, which is where Hollerith tabulator was developed. Both IBM and Technocracy played a role in Nazi Germany, but IBM's involvement was unspeakable yet thoroughly documented. IBM is now the leader in promoting and developing vaccine passports!

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How the Corrupt World Health Organization Promotes Medical Tyranny Throughout The World

Whatever the WHO was at the beginning, it has been totally subsumed by global actors such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, GAVI and Big Pharma. As a full-fledged agency of the UN, the WHO is corrupt from top to bottom and totally dedicated to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy

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Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist Over Bashing Ivermectin, Needless Deaths Of Indian Patients

This will bring yawns to most Americans but it is the biggest story in India thus far in the pandemic era. The Indian Bar Association is suing WHO's chief scientist for purposefully misleading India's medical establishment over live-saving Ivermectin.

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