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Post-Vaccine Deaths: Where Are The Autopsies?

Dr. Jane Orient weighs in. Yet another facet of standard medical practice is being suppressed. Autopsies were routinely ordered in cases where death is unexplained or needed to be studied for clarification. The Technocrat mind is essentially stating, "We know people are dying but we don't care to know why."

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What Will You Do When The Feds Come Knocking?

Technocrats, who always expect predictable and uniform outcomes, are shocked that so many citizens are refusing the experimental and unauthorized gene therapy shots. So now, they have coopted government to come knocking on your door to intimidate and bully you into compliance. Get ready to respond BEFORE they come knocking.

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Big Media Talking Points: Mask Mandates To Return By Fall 2021

The talking points have been released to Big Media as several have stated that mask mandates will surely return because of the delta variant of COVID-19. The un-vaxxed are positioned as the enemy and cause of 'two Americas' that are emerging. America needs to run these carpetbaggers out of town.

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Compulsory Injections: Governments, Employers Are Coming After Anti-Vaxxers

The iron teeth of compulsory injections are crushing resistance all around the world. Remember that these are still experimental gene therapy injections and not approved by any government health authority. The global Technocrats and Transhumanists who are pushing this agenda have no ethical boundaries to constrain their actions.

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India Recognizes Carbon Slavery As A New Wave Of Colonization

Modern Technocracy is global and thus as it seeks to reform everyone, everywhere, people from around the world are reacting and sounding alarm within their own cultural and religious settings. Technocracy doesn't respect national boundaries, religion, culture, philosophy or tradition. It will crush and control everyone in its path.

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Inventor Of mRNA Technology Warned FDA That Shots Could Be Dangerous

Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA gene therapy technology and warned the FDA that the vaccines are dangerous. Did the FDA listen to him? No. Instead, he was censored by Big Pharma and the FDA went ahead with the Emergency Use Authorization that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of injuries.

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