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The Empty Predictions Of The Global Warming Cult

"Believers" in man-made global warming show their love and devotion for "mother earth" and are bent on saving it at all costs. Their prophecies of doom have repeatedly failed. They have long abandoned legitimate science to embrace pseudo-science, forcing the data to fit their preconceived conclusions. It's time they stopped getting a free pass to change society.

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Joe Allen: Countdown to Gigadeath – From AI Arms Race to Artilect War

ChatGPT has not reached the level of  expected Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), but it is close and is expected by 2024. Certainly by 2025. With the exponential explosion of machine-created "intelligence", human intelligence is at risk of being completely overwhelmed and disrupted on a planetary scale. The domination of man's mental processes could be final key to full-blown global technocracy.

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Flashback: Dr. Deborah Birx Was The Technocrat Destroyer Who Deceived Trump Into Wrecking America Over COVID-19

Deborah Birx is a Technocrat who was orchestrating COVID-19 policies behind the scenes, using treachery and deceit. This is the fallback position of Technocrats whose agenda is or might be blocked in some way. Her blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, elected politicians and the Rule of Law set her on a self-appointed mission to deceive the President of the United States and then to deceive the entire medical establishment.

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US Venture Capital Seeds Chinese Artificial Intelligence Development

Just like days gone by, Western capital is seen funding our enemies. (See Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton) In the AI world, Technocrat "birds of a feather flock together." AI offers the greatest tool of social control that the world has ever seen, and it is an absolute necessity for Technocracy to succeed.

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Looming Demographic Winter Suggests “Have Babies, Now!”

In spite of clear evidence that demographic winter is upon us, population reduction protagonists refuse to give an inch. Nevertheless, over 25% of the world's nations have pro-birth policies to replenish shrinking populations. Meanwhile, population reduction hawks push policies and practices to stop reproduction.

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Project Veritas Stings Pfizer, Discovers ‘Directed Evolution’ Of Virus To Maximize Profits

Of course, the Pfizer executive says "directed evolution" is different than "gain-of-function", but the result is the same and pre-meditated as well. Creating mutations of a virus in order to prepare vaccines for that mutation in advance is not only grossly unethical but patently illegal as well. This is the darkest side of Technocracy at work.

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Why Chairman Xi Promotes Technocrats To Top Positions

India views China as a Technocracy and is much more able to see the facts and analysis than is America. The U.S. is stuck on partisan politics and views the world through that lens, even as Technocracy is enveloping the world. When, as and if there is a point of recognition in America, there will be a chance to escape Technocracy's talons, but the window of opportunity is closing rapidly.

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Solari Report: Ways To Stop Central Bank Digital Currencies

CBDCs are in the works, but transparency and mass action can throw a huge monkey wrench into their implementation. The Solari Report offers a few concrete steps people can take, with the most important being to increase the use of cash while explaining to recipients why cash is endangered and what they can do about it.

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Siemens Chairman Calls for ‘Billion People to Stop Eating Meat’

The giant tech company Siemens and its chairman are completely sold out to Technocracy and total control over humanity. Upending traditional agriculture makes way for artificial lab-grown protein and insect farms. Snabe can eat whatever he wants, but he has no business telling you what you should eat!

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U.S. Politicians Who Pimped America To The WEF/Davos Cult

Dear American politicians: America and Americans are not for sale. We are not your prostitute that you can pimp to the Davos cult that pushes the Great Reset and the destruction of America. History will record all of you on the same page as the revolutionary traitor Benedict Arnold.

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