Search Results for agenda 21

The Insidious Technocrat War On Food And Human Diet

Technocrat Bill Gates wants to control your body with gene therapy and to control what you eat with synthetic food products. What started in the early 1970s as a radical, crackpot idea is now going mainstream throughout the Western world. Controlling food is controlling people.

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View From Cyprus: The Road To Totalitarian Technocracy

However imperfect their view might be, it is noteworthy that journalists and economists around the world are writing about Technocracy, its dangers and its outcome. It is totalitarian, dystopian and in the end, it is nothing short of global slavery.

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COVID Commission Planning Group Plans 9/11-Style Investigation Into Pandemic

The coverup is well underway with a star-studded roster of global Technocrats setting up to create the ultimate "official" investigation about what happened over the last year. They even brought in Philip Zelikow, the former executive director of the 9/11 Commission. The foxes are building their own hen-house.

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How The CIA Took Over U.S. Media

Technocrats in the CIA have virtually taken over U.S. media to spin a globalist narrative that ultimately doesn't even include a functioning nation. Eisenhower warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex" and the "Technological Elite", but political representatives took no notice or action. Now the endgame is at hand.

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