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Britain And The Revenge Of The Technocrats

Britain has jumped from the frying pan into the fire by taking on Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister. A former Goldman Sachs banker, Rishi is the consummate picture of a Technocrat. The author notes that the Technocrat track record is not as rosy as they would have you think: "So their record is not at all one of competence. It’s one of repeated near-disaster."

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Warning From UK: Technocracy And The Global Technate Are Imminent

As other writers see Technocracy for what it is: "A Technate degrades the citizen to the status of a dog or a machine. We only exist to serve Continental Control and the Function Sequence directorates. These will be led by an untouchable parasite class who claim peck-rights and absolute authority over all." The distinction between mere Technocratic governance and a full-blown Technate is critical to understand.

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Clinical Studies: N95 Masks Never Worked To Stop COVID Virus

Fauci knew it. They all knew it. From the start. Masks never worked to stop any virus, including the supposedly superior N95 mask. The social fabric of America was ripped to shreds over it and yet, they still say "wear your mask to protect others." Families were torn apart, friends separated, workers quit, businesses shut down. All of this was done by unelected, unaccountable Technocrats; and yet, all elected officials who went along are equally guilty.

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G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

It's not about health. It's about control. Absolute control. "Your papers, please." Anyone who does not want to receive mRNA-based injections that Pfizer admits was never tested for transmission of a virus, is grounded from international travel. Nations will the adopt the same passport for domestic travel on airplanes, trains, busses, automobiles.

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In August, 58% Of COVID Deaths Were “Vaccinated” With mRNA Shots

Another study reports, "People 65 and older account for 16% of the total US population but 75% of all COVID deaths to date." What group was most urgently told to get the mRNA shots? Those over 65! This is a genocide of the elderly - those "useless eaters" who Technocrats think are the greatest source of inefficiency and wastefulness in their societal machine.

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Silicon Valley Whistleblower: ‘SMART Cities’ Worldwide Are Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps’

Technocracy is scientific dictatorship and it is rising up all around us. Americans need to take eyes off of political dogfights and see that the Biden Administration is spending billions to embed "SMART CITY" technology all across our nation. It is the infrastructure of a gulag without physical walls.

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Cashless: Now India Is Testing Retail Central Bank Digital Currency

The central banks are emerging as the central column of power and control as they all are ramping  up digital currencies to replace cash. This is orchestrated by the Bank for International Settlements which sits at the top of the global banking pyramid. This will drive most smaller commercial banks out of business.

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Nightmare On G20 Street: Biden Delivers US To A Chinese Social Credit System

Biden's handlers are bent on delivering the United States into the global Technocracy being formed by the United Nations, China, the World Economic Forum and events like the G20 meeting just held. The world is clamoring to implement digital health passports in conjunction with digital IDs, and Biden has completely caved in to global Technocrats.

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Beyond Censorship: Destroying Dissenters Through Cyberwarfare

When a military grade cyberwarfare attack is leveled at globalist narrative dissenters, it is comparable to a Predator  drone striking out of nowhere. The result can be not only devastating but existential. Technocrats are quietly training the big guns of cyberwarfare on citizens to dare to question globalist policies, objectives and players. Answer: speak up, speak out.

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Climate Negotiations Are In Disarray As UN’s COP27 Enters Second Week

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) delegates are tripping over themselves to find ways to destroy civilization by using global warming as an excuse to regulate every aspect of society. The "global good" is your good, they reason. The rub is that consensus is fleeting over exactly what the global good is, and many nations are not interested in going beyond lip service.

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