Search Results for agenda 21

Dubai Global Centre Of Green Economy In UAE’s Vision 2021

Why are Islamic countries so interested in 'Green Economy'? The book, Green Deen: What Islam Teaches about Protecting the Planet by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin states that 12% of the Koran's verses concern care for planet Earth. This, he claims, is why Islam is totally behind Sustainable Development and its UN programs.

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Full Text: New Urban Agenda As Adopted By The UN Conference On Housing And Sustainable Development (Habitat III)

There is nothing to say except that you must read this document for yourself. After all, it will be the new 'controlling' document for life in cities, towns and hamlets for decades to come. The UN is dead serious about this, and they have the weight of the world behind them.

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Rockefeller Foundation Builds Resilience For New Urban Agenda

Not surprisingly, the Rockefeller Foundation is a major player in Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda. David Rockefeller co-founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973 with Zbigniew Brzezinski, which committed to create a New International Economic Order (NIEO). The NIEO has found its expression in the United Nation's Sustainable Development, or Green Economy, program.

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New Urban Agenda: Chinese Government to Move 100 Million Farmers to Cities by 2020

China is the epitome of a functioning Technocracy and this is the New Urban Agenda, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda all rolled into one. 100 million farmers will be forcibly driven from their land to populate numerous technates (ghost cities) that have already been built. This is the same ideology that is consuming America.

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