Search Results for great reset

The Technocrats Behind The Great Reset

Mercola: "The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”.

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The Individual Solution To Avoiding The Great Reset And Totalitarianism

You might think that wearing a mask and social distancing is about your health, but you are wrong: It is about conditioning and control to drive the world into Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship. The real issue is, will you comply or not?  Compliance is defeat in advance.

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The World Bank Throws Full Weight Behind The Great Reset

For decades, the global elite hid their plans behind environmental extremists, but now they have fully revealed themselves as being the master architects from the very beginning. The World Bank, IMF and Bank for International Settlements are in a coordinated tryst to reform the planet.

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Global Technocracy And The ‘Great Reset’ Is Coming Like A Bullet Train

This important book review by Steven Guinness (UK) reveals the same old language of 'interdependence', collaboration and cooperation that was heard from the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The then-and-now goal is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, and will result in the biggest resource grab in the history of the world.

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The Role Of Blockchain Currencies In ‘The Great Reset’

The World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' is a new social contract for the entire planet and is based on Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Financing the global transformation is now solved by pouring the last of capitalism's remaining value into the new system. Then, they think, capitalism will finally be dead.

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Mercola: Technocracy Is The Masterplan For The ‘Great Reset’

Dr. Mercola's far-reaching interview with expert Patrick Wood is one of the best ever conducted. Not only does Mercola fully understand Technocracy, but he is unafraid to stand up to it and help America reject it. Dr. Mercola is the number one web site on the Internet for alternative health.

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Mises Institute: The ‘Great Reset’ Calls For Technocracy

A German professor currently teaching in Brazil has independently confirmed TN's long-held assessment that the "Great Reset" is being staged "with the intent of creating a global technocracy." This is a critical, must read article for all TN readers.

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The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

The leading partners of the United Nations Global Goals project reveal the real technocratic agenda that lies behind the polished feel-good facade – it involves a plan to fully integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by a powerful AI.

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