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Spending Your Money: It’s ‘Finance Day’ At COP27

Al Gore is the ultimate huckster when pumping the UN delegates to climate action. In bunko terms, this is the practice of "shaking the money tree" to loose money that is easy to grab. Gore's climate claims are patently absurd and not one of his predictions over the years have come true. This is Technocracy and pseudo-science at its worst, and it's coming for the world.

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Reject Technocratic Overlords, Demand Paper Ballots!

Technocracy seeks to destroy the political layer of society in favor of direct scientific dictatorship. Think China. Paper ballots and hand counting is easy but not for Technocrats who are compelled to complicate everything with technological solutions that don't work and cannot be trusted.

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Greta Thunberg Shuns COP27, Calls For ‘Overthrow Of The Whole Capitalist System’

Greta Thunberg has moved past global warming and onto the main event: overthrowing capitalism altogether in favor of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. This has been the goal of global warming fear mongering from the very beginning of climate alarmism. Her handlers obviously understand the scam.

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UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’

The UN's climate summit, COP 27, is underway in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt and bold demands were made from the developed world. The UN is already desperate for funding, so what better way than to extort the rest of the world over fraudulent climate threats, slavery, racism and colonial rule?

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COVID Dictators Nervous Over Retaliation, Plead For Amnesty

The establishment journal, The Atlantic, outrageously pleads for amnesty over what many have labeled "Crimes Against Humanity". The COVID hoaxers are obviously running scared and fearing retaliation; this means they know they are guilty as sin and are trying to escape punishment. There will be no amnesty but there will be trials and full accountability.

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Energy Crisis May Lead To De-Industrialization Of Europe

Early Technocracy sought to control economic activity by controlling energy. It should be self evident to anyone with a little grey matter between their ears that all economic activity is directly related on available energy. The attack on traditional fuels in Europe is specifically designed to cause de-industrialization.

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Perfect Storm Of Global Reset: It’s Raining Cats And Technocrats

The currently dominant class of Technocrats and Transhumanists must be so thoroughly rejected that they never get the upper hand in public policy again. They are pitted against government structures and the people they represent. This is a global issue, not just American. As such, they have declared war on humanity.

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Flu Season Sees Calls For Return To Face Mask Mania

They are at it again. Medical Technocrats will not let face masks go until the public thoroughly and openly rejects and rebukes them for bringing destruction to our nation. Face masks have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be worthless against the spread of a virus. Bottom line: Don't comply, don't consent, be vocal.

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Post-Putin: Russia’s Relation To Technocracy

No matter what the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war, Technocracy and Technocrats will have an assertive role in Russia's future. Russia is already closely aligned with China, the largest Technocratic nation in the world. The West can protest evil China and Russia all it wants, but they intend to ultimately flip the entire world into Technocracy.

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WARNING: Rishi Sunak Will Usher In A Technocratic Age Of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies

With the appointment of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Sunak is an outspoken advocate for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that would replace the existing system of fiat currencies in the world. This would be the capstone for Technocracy.

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