Search Results for agenda 21

State v. God: A Deeper Look Into The Intensifying Religious War

True Biblical Christianity is pitted against the Progressive state religion that would see man's effort to build the Kingdom of God on earth. The pressure to break the Kingdom of Heaven mentality will only intensify as Technocrats take over the world for their earthly Utopia.

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Eugenics Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth

After the defeat of Nazi Germany in WWII, the world thought it was done with eugenics, that is, ethnic cleansing and depopulation. Today, the shock of ages is that not only is eugenics still asserting itself, but that it is becoming the major narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mercola: The Web Of Censors Behind The Censors

Finally, some clarity to the network of censors around the world who control what gets censored and what does not. The network is relatively small in number, but well funded and able to leverage themselves many times over through more traditional media. This network is 100% intentional.

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Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

Bill Gates is a poster-child for Technocracy. He clearly has his eye on monopoly-power over humanity's health with mass vaccines, but is he also trying to gain monopoly control over food? This is a must-read article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., that digs deep into Gates' global activities.

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Biden’s Race To The Bottom With The Great Reset

This article does not acknowledge Technocracy but it does identify Global Totalitarianism that is being eagerly embraced by the Biden Administration. A top-to-bottom rework of American society will allow Technocracy to grow deep roots into the foundations of our nation.

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The Mysterious Case Of Disappearing Influenza

Ample historical data is available for cycles of influenza and its impact on overall death rates. Technocrats have successfully buried influenza data, and dishonestly rolled it into COVID-19 deaths. To say this is corrupt is an understatement because tens of thousands have died because of it.

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IMF Calls For Internet Search History To Be Linked To Your Credit Score

Is the International Monetary Fund (IMF) trying to force China's draconian Social Credit Scoring system on the entire planet? Who will decide what Internet "histories" are bad and which are acceptable? Google, which controls 95% of search engine traffic, is undoubtedly at the center of this.

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