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The Control Network: Laundering Money With Total Immunity

Over the years, I have written several papers on global banking, central banks and in particular, about the Bank for International Settlements. Corey Lynn, sponsored by the Solari Report (Catherine Austin Fitts) digs deep into the central bank/monetary world to reveal the largest money laundering machine of all time. To call this monster a giant vampire squid is an understatement. 

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UK Report: Police Use Of Live Facial Recognition Unlawful And Unethical

In the beginning, facial recognition technology was embraced as a tool to promote safety and security; in the end, it has provided neither and civil liberties have been trampled. Now, a few objective studies are surfacing while sounding the alarm that police in particular should be "banned from using live facial recognition technology in all public spaces."

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Now It’s UK: Why Are Labs Racing To See Who Can Create The Most Deadly Virus?

Any lab experimenting with the creation of or gain-of-function of human pathogens should be summarily terminated and its researchers banned from further activities. The depth and scope of this kind of research goes far beyond just China and the U.S. This has morphed into an arms race in biowarfare, and it is potentially more dangerous that the invention of the atomic bomb in 1945.

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New Alberta Premier Refuses To Associate With World Economic Forum

As some leaders are shaking off the deleterious aftermath of COVID mania, they are waking up to the fraud and manipulation by the World Economic Forum. Alberta's new premier has rejected association with the WEF and for good reason: they have done nothing useful for Alberta and have caused a lot of damage along the way. This rejection needs to go global.

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BIS Tests mBridge: Successful Pilot Of Cross-Border CBDC Platform

According to the BIS, the mBridge ledger is a "new native blockchain", "custom-designed and developed by central banks for central banks, to serve as a specialized and flexible platform implementation for multi-currency cross-border payments." This expansive blockchain technology will tie the world's central bank system into a monolithic structure of financial control.

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Alternative Economies: The Defense Against Technocracy?

Technocracy intends to destroy capitalism and free market economics, replacing it with a resource-based economic system that obviates private property, insures poverty and dependence upon the scientific dictatorship for survival. States have the power to withdraw from this attack and create alternative free-market alternatives.

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Judicial Watch: Shocking Emails Show That CDC Pressured FDA To Authorize COVID Boosters Without Clinical Trials

When it comes to protecting the health of American citizens, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA are broken beyond repair. They have destroyed all trust and should be totally reconstituted and re-chartered to do what they are supposed to do, free of corruption, greed and control by Big Pharma and the biotech industry.

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CRISPR Gone Wild: Fake Meat To Designer Babies

The notion of cut-and-paste techniques for genomic editing is euphoric to the Transhuman/Technocrat world. "Why, we can edit anything, so why not do it?" The very question holds the answer, that is, there are no moral or ethical boundaries to constrain them. They have openly stated that the goal is to take over evolution and re-create the world in their own image.

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‘Elon, The Everywhere’ Becomes A Threat To Political Structure

As a classic Technocrat, Elon Musk has no use for representative government, and the threat is starting to be felt in Washington. Musk believes he is always the genius in the room and that when you are always right, what is there to discuss? In the 1930s, Technocrats wanted to completely remove the political structure of America and appoint people like Musk to run everything.

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Boston University Creates Deadly COVID Strain With 80% Mortality In Humanized Mice

For all the lies that gain-of-function research was non-existent, it not only exists but it is racing forward with potentially deadly possibilities. People like Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci and all of their direct researchers, should be permanently banned from any involvement with laboratory facilities.

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