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Biden’s Race To The Bottom With The Great Reset

This article does not acknowledge Technocracy but it does identify Global Totalitarianism that is being eagerly embraced by the Biden Administration. A top-to-bottom rework of American society will allow Technocracy to grow deep roots into the foundations of our nation.

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Forget Nature, Scientists Think They Can Grow Better Wood In Labs

This revelation is closely related to transhumanism thanks to a statement like "With the ability to “tune” the plant cells into whatever shape they decide...". Transhumans propose to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic engineering to cleanse unwanted characteristics from the gene pool and insert other desired characteristics into it.

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Your Face Is Set To Replace Your Bank Card

Facial recognition is getting deeply embedded into consumer services where payment is required, eliminating the use of physical payment cards. While convenient for users, the amount of data collected is a a total penetration of personal privacy, in spite of promises to keep your data secure.

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No Joke: Bugs Are On The Way To Your Dinner Plate

Ever since the UN published Agenda 21 in 1992, it has claimed that raising animals is "unsustainable" and that humans should instead eat plants and insects. Not that Big Ag has figured out that it is cheaper to mass produce bugs, they have decided that you are going to eat them.

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