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Dancing With Technocracy: The Rise Of A New, Technological World Order

When Technocracy was created in the 1930s, the technology didn't exist for total societal control, but the Technocrats nonetheless dreamed about it every day. Huxley's science fiction classic, Brave New World, encapsulated every subtle nuance of it. Today, Technocracy's Utopia is flourishing as never before.

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WEF: Private Property And Privacy Will Vanish By 2030

The only economic system in the world that called for the abolition of private property is Technocracy, where resources would be held in a global common trust administrated by Technocrat scientists and engineers. The WEF's Great Reset is total annihilation of the status quo.

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UN’s Anti-Human Push To De-Carbonize The World

The UN's irrational war on carbon is a war against humanity itself. However, if depopulation is the ultimate goal, then it makes perfect sense because the human body is 12% carbon. The carbon cycle in food production and human nutrition requires CO2, and abundantly so.

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Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Lockdowns and mask mandates are social engineering tactics to prepare citizens for the Great Reset. In the eyes of Technocrats, you must obey their pseudo-science. The spread of COVID-19 is blamed on humans who refuse to obey, and therefore all must be further punished.

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Operation Warp Speed: Your One-Way Ticket To Total Surveillance

"Incredibly precise... tracking systems... very active pharmacovigilance surveillance system." These are not idle words, but express a decades-old plan to track and monitor every person on earth. The COVID vaccine will open the door into a surveillance nightmare worthy of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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