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United Nations 2.0: A Whole-Of-World Technocracy

The United Nations is getting an upgrade to prepare itself for the post-Great Reset era. The WEF and UN are all but physically merged into a giant public-private partnership to transform the world through "Innovation, Data, Strategic foresight, Results orientation, and Behavioural science."  Remember that Technocracy was defined as the "Science of Social Engineering" as far back as 1937.

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Elitists Are Building Megalopolis, Where Plebs Will Eat Insects

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is anti-human and anti-civilization, but only a minuscule of people understand just how dangerous and pervasive this agenda really is. Yes, cricket protein powder has already been commercialized and will be increasingly seen in grocery store products.

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World’s Deadliest Virus: ‘Spanish Flu’ Reverse Engineered, Recreated

These Frankenstein crazed geneticists who are creating killer viruses have seemingly created a secret society amongst themselves, all agreeing to zero transparency, lies, deceit. and corruption. This cartel must be broken down and exposed to the light of sanity and humanity. If they are not stopped, all of mankind is at risk.

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Expert: Quantum Computing As Important As The Atomic Bomb

TN has been following quantum computing development since its inception. For all the speculation about potential commercial or government uses of such a computer, the main takeaway is that it holds the potential to break all encryption codes on the Internet, exposing every password, public/private encryption keys and hence, everything.

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Flashback: Rebuilding Babel – Toward The Endgame of Technocracy

As the world continues to dive into the chaos of the Great Reset, this article will remind you that all the warning signs were plainly visible several years ago, but they were not taken seriously by those who might have taken action to stop it. Today, we are paying a huge, if not existential price for inattention, because now we are at war with a still-unrecognized enemy.

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Rockefeller Foundation Pumps Behavioral Scientists For Better COVID Vaxx Narratives To Increase Uptake

According to early Technocrats, Technocracy is the "science of social engineering". Technocrat globalists are vacant on why their COVID-19 "vaccine" narrative did not work as well as expected, so the Rockefeller Foundation is doubling down to find out why and create better narratives.

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Dr. Meryl Nass Debunks SARS-CoV-2 ‘Virus Isn’t Real’, ‘Never Been Isolated’ Myths

In my 45 years of research and writing, there has been a constant flow of myths that pop up to muddy the waters. In the majority of cases, these myths were part of a psychological operation (psyop) to distract, divide and confuse the truth. Unfortunately, too many people believe the lie and are neutralized. It's time to put an end to this myth that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist and hasn't been isolated. It does and it has!

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Invasion: 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Entered US Since Biden Elected

Illegal immigration into Europe and the US is the specific policy of the Trilateral Commission that re-birthed Technocracy in 1973. The late Peter Sutherland said, "No other force—not trade, not capital flows—has the potential to transform lives in sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that migration does”. He almost single-handedly broke Europe through invasion from the mideast.

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Boston Review: What’s Wrong With Technocracy?

This is a must-read essay on the dangers of Technocracy: "Democratic theory points to two lines of normative criticism, an argument from power and an argument from knowledge. Together they indicate that technocracy has severe shortcomings as both a political model and an epistemic one."  Nothing has changed since 1933.

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