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Russian Arms Fair: Robot Dog Equipped With RPG Launcher

The robotic arms race is in full swing. This robotic dog is equipped with an RPG launcher and is "dressed" like a Ninja. This follows models equipped with high-powered rifles and machine guns. Since Russia and China are producing weaponized robots, there is no reason the think the US isn't doing the same things.

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World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund For Vaccine Passports

Global Technocrats, all unelected and unaccountable, are bent on creating vaccine passports. There is no discussion with nation-states or actual citizens who will be forced into taking the passports. A universal digital ID is the Holy Grail of Technocracy because it will enable a "Skynet" system of total control. The World Bank's backing guarantees that Central Bank Digital Currency will be tightly coupled with vaccine passports.

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Amazon’s Ring Camera Penetrates 18% Of Homes To Create Massive Surveillance Network

In any average neighborhood. every third house is likely to have an Amazon Ring or Google Nest security system, meaning that if you take a one mile walk in your neighborhood, information on you could be collected as many as 50 times; this potentially includes picture, audio and information collected from your cell phone. This "private" surveillance grid approaches the density of cameras in China.

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Corbett: Technocracy Is Insane, Anti-Human And It WILL Fail

James Corbett is exactly right and for the right reasons: Technocracy is a pipe dream. As gravity is a law that cannot be ignored, things fall to the ground whether they wish to or not, so will Technocracy fall back to the law of reality in due time. In the meantime, Technocrats and Transhumans can do a lot of damage to humanity and civilization. For those who see the train wreck coming, #WalkAwayFromTechnocracy.

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Hohmann: Saudi Arabia Slouching Toward Technocracy

The entire world is racing toward Technocracy, including the major religions. The Catholic church is already steeped in green ideology and sustainable development from the Pope down. China is already a Technocracy. It is not surprising that the Islamic world is following hard behind with plans to build the first fully-automated and controlled super-city in the middle of the desert. It is yet unclear if anyone will want to actually live there.

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Mercola: Monkeypox Declared A Public Health Emergency

The details of skulduggery with Big Pharma, the corrupt World Health Organization and various secret research labs will be debated for a long time. The real concern should be that creating synthetic viruses in a lab is tantamount to creating the atomic bomb. When a deadly virus can be modeled on a computer screen and then turned into the actual pathogen, all that remains to ask is how soon will the military get ahold of it and how soon will they use it?

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Technocracy And Empire: The Influence Of Zbigniew Brzezinski

his is a recent article by a European blogger, Hügo Krüger, that looks into the life of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission - the genesis of modern globalization. Brzezinski was David Rockefeller's right-hand man until both dies a few years ago. Brzezinski is still credited as being the chief architect of China's entrance into the global economy and its transformation into a Technocracy.

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Chemical Warfare: Disrupting The Enemy’s Health Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

The Biden Administration is spending almost $5 billion for 171 million untested and unapproved mRNA shots this winter at $29 each to inject into the American population. It has options to buy another 600 million shot if Congress allocates more funding. The cumulative effect of multiple injections are already causing major health disruptions.

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Monetary Transformation: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

If "the fish rots from the head down", then look no further than the Bank for International Settlement for the rapid implementation of CBDCs throughout the world. The chart below is likely out of date, with much more development having been conducted since the data was collected. The CBDC network is the chosen monetary system for the other side of the Great Reset.

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Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice To Deceive…

From initial conception to actuality, the Great (pandemic) Panic of 2020 was promulgated by lies, deceit and corruption and a nasty lab-engineered virus that nobody dared take responsibility for. Basically, everything was a lie and continues to be based on lies. The whole world suffered the same fate, but in the US, medical Technocrats like Fauci and Birx deserve to be prosecuted and held accountable.

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