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Divide, Conquer, Reset And Then Scientific Dictatorship

The endgame of Technocracy as an economic system is total control using its "science of social engineering". Before that can happen, the current economic system must be destroyed and the people prepared for total submission to the coming scientific dictatorship where the world is run by algorithm rather than elected representatives. 

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DC Mayor: $1,000 Fine For Not Wearing Mask Outside Home

The Great Panic of 2020 is rising to new heights as police in Washington, DC are instructed to issue $1, 000 citations to anyone caught not wearing a mask in public. This only demonstrates that the police state currently has the upper hand in America.

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Telemedicine Abortion Approved By Federal Court

Thanks to COVID-19 and the Great Panic of 2020, telemedicine is rapidly becoming the standard that replaces in-person visits to your doctor. Technocrats have convinced one Federal judge to allow prescribing abortion drugs without seeing the "patient" in person.

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How To Read Emergency Orders And Avoid Wearing Face Masks

If you do not want to comply with unconstitutional and harmful orders to wear a face mask, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition, then head over to Citizens for Free Speech and get a "no face mask" card and lanyard to wear around your neck to assert your rights. 

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Censored: A Review Of Science Relevant To COVID-19 Social Policy And Why Face Masks Don’t Work

Denis Rancourt, PhD, has published over 100 peer-reviewed studies in his career, but ResearchGate choose to censor and remove this paper because it didn't fit the narrative of the Great Panic of 2020 over COVID-19. Such censorship proves the existence of an alternative agenda. 

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