Search Results for food

‘Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law’

This satanic mantra was created by the early-1900s occultist, Aleister Crowley, who was arguably one of the most evil men who lived in the 20th century. As the world turns to self-centered lawlessness, it's no shock that satanic chaos reigns supreme as mobs destroy America.

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Cash Will Be The Biggest COVID-19 Casualty

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Currency to an economic system is like blood to your body. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, wars against the cash of Free Enterprise in order to transition to Fintech and the new economic system.

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Bloomberg: Block The Sun, Cool The Planet

Although experimental geo-engineering has been ongoing for years, Bloomberg is now legitimizing it. Adding SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) to the atmosphere would increase acid rain and add to deaths from cancers, strokes and heart disease. What could go wrong with that?

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Hohmann: ‘Social Distancing’ Is The Problem, Not The Answer

Technocrats created the Great Panic of 2020 and now are dominating the restarting of the economy. Forget the Rule of Law. Now it is Rule of Regulation and they create the regulations. Technocracy's coup de 'etat must be stopped immediately before they can solidify their total scientific dictatorship.

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UN Adds More Panic: Famines Of ‘Biblical Proportions’

Now the United Nations predicts that famines are about to ravage the world and of course, it has the only 'viable' solution: Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. So, we have global warming, virus pandemic and famines all working together to get the world to stampede.

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