Search Results for china

Alibaba Pushes ‘Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker’ at Davos

The gamification of green is a product of China's Alibaba, which is bound by China to turn over its data on consumers in order to factor it into its Social Credit Scoring system. If you are not sufficiently green, you will be punished for your transgressions. This app will never apply to the Davos elitists however, who collectively have the highest carbon footprint of any group in the world.

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Global Energy Grid Puts One Billion At Risk For Blackouts

Control over energy is a key goal of Technocracy. The first two requirements for implementing Technocracy were contained in the Technocracy Study Course in 1934: (1) “Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy. (2) “By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

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Kissinger Speaks: Ukraine Must Give Russia Territory

Henry Kissinger was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 and has been a kingmaker for globalization ever since. At 98 years of age, he is speaking out on the war in Ukraine at the WEF's elitist conference in Davos, Switzerland and says the West has been too hard on Russia.

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Monkeypox: Technocracy’s Next Wave Of Crimes Against Humanity

I am currently traveling the country with Drs. Judy Mikovits, Richard Fleming and Reiner Fuellmich. Our one-day conference topic in nine cities focuses on the case for crimes against humanity having been committed by leaders of Big Pharma and the biosecurity cartel. Indeed, there are a multitude of potentially criminal violations at national and international levels. But now, meet monkeypox!

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Lived A Good Life? Globalists Suggest Get Out Of The Way “For the Children”

Global elitists have long sought population reduction in order to save remaining resources for themselves. Now, propaganda is emerging that suggests old people should consider getting out of the way for the sake of the children. Any society that would kill its young while still in the womb will have no problem in setting up euthanasia centers to kill the elderly

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Disconnect: Trump-Endorsed Oz’ Deep Connections With World Economic Forum

As votes are recounted in a very close GOP primary in Pennsylvania, some voters are trying to reconcile former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Mehmet OZ, who was named a "Global Leader of Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum in 1999. The WEF's Great Reset ideology is anathema to the "America First" political philosophy.

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Are Railroads Colluding To Curtail Food Production?

Holodomor means "death by hunger" in Ukrainian, and Americans would do well to revisit the details of that horrible Ukraine genocide where up to 7 million rural farmers and peasants died after their means to grow food was intentionally removed from them.

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The Bank For International Settlements Goes All-In For Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

The BIS in Basel, Switzerland is the central bank to central banks all of which represent a giant vampire squid on planet earth. When CBDC accounts are opened directly by the public, the U.S. Treasury will be obsolete and powerless, as will our Congress that has responsibility to coin money. This means total control over currencies by one monolithic structure that sits out of reach from all governments.

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Controlled Food System Is In Place And Accelerating

This is a must-read article. Russia is at war with Ukraine, the food and grain breadbasket of Europe. Russia is the largest exporter of wheat in the world. Food is an issue globally and in the U.S.  The supply chain for food is also breaking down at the same time. It's time to say no to control over food and free the farmers to do their time-tested job of feeding the world.

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Breggin: The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields

It is imperative for Americans to recognize that global Technocracy is the clear and present danger to all of society, and to force policy makers to reject all technocrat policies across the board. The pandemic assault is only the first wave of attacks in a larger coup to launch the Great Reset by 2030. The clock is ticking.

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