Search Results for agenda 21

UN Head Ban Ki-moon Commends China’s Leadership On UN 2030 Agenda

China is one of the dirtiest nations on earth, yet the UN is consistently enamored with its Technocratic and totalitarian leadership. Christiana Figueres, former UN climate chief, praised China in 2015 for its great accomplishments in fighting global warming. All praise aside, China's environmental record is a total abomination.

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The ‘New Urban Agenda’ Is Coming At UN’s Habitat III in October 2016

TN Note: If you thought Agenda 21 was dangerous to freedom and liberty, just wait until you see the New Urban Agenda that will be produced at the upcoming Habitat III conference. The original 'Urban Agenda' was based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which have been updated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be the basis for the New Urban Agenda.

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