Search Results for china

China Report: Weaponized Viruses Can Target Ethnic Cleansing

China is a Technocracy. With advances in genetic engineering, China wrote that particular races can be targeted with stealth bio-weapons to change body resistance to other pathogens. This is darkest side of Eugenics that the world has ever seen, and now it is going global

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Canon In China: AI Cameras Only Let Smiling Workers Inside

Technocracy defines itself as the "science of social engineering", and Canon in China fits perfectly by demanding that employees smile to gain access into offices and conference rooms. This article properly calls this manipulation trend "modern-day Taylorism".

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China Redux: COVID Lockdowns Return To Fight New Outbreak

Don't get too comfortable with any U.S. relaxation of COVID restrictions because China is not done with global panic, draconian lockdowns, prison terms for violators and crushing all dissent. China is the global model for Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.

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China-Led Research Team In La Jolla, CA Creates Man-Monkey Hybrid

The venerable Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California is host to a research project to blend DNA between monkeys and humans. Shockingly, the research team is being led by Chinese scientists, reinforcing TN's observation about Technocrat-minded scientists that "birds of a feather flock together."

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China To Build 25 More Level 4 Virology Labs Around World

Regardless of country of origin, all Level 4 virology labs have direct connections to the military of their host nation and are staffed with Technocrat-minded scientists who have no ethical constraints on their research. Creating killer GMO viruses has no purpose except to wage bio-warfare.

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China Seeks To Run Global Database For ‘Vaccine Passports’

As a Technocracy, China has packaged and exported to the world its evil system of social and pseudo-scientific control. Global citizens, including Americans, are in total denial of these expansionist goals, even as China closes the trap.

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Henry Kissinger Warns Of US-China Armageddon

Trilateral Commission founding member Henry Kissinger addresses the (John) McCain Institute in Arizona. Kissinger's history of originally enabling the nuclear-enabled nations of Technocrat China and Islamic Iran are now tempered by the squishy language of political science.

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