Search Results for agenda 21

Big Finance Is Behind The Cashless Society Con

Technocracy depends upon a digital society where every transaction can be tracked and analyzed. Cash prevents such tracking, and thus is being unilaterally removed. There has been no public request or particular need to destroy cash and so far, the public has not resisted the push.

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Homeland: Massive New Database To Include Facial Recognition, DNA, Relationships

Huge shoutout to Jennifer Lynch of Electronic Frontier Foundation for investigative journalism to expose the Department of Homeland Security's massive surveillance program. TN has warned for years that Technocrats in U.S. intelligence agencies have gone rogue while ignoring the U.S. Constitution, Federal law and citizen complaints. If surveillance is not stopped, America will quickly surpass China as a police state.

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The Deep State Of Data: How To Protect Personal Information

One company's solution to escaping Technocracy's scientific dictatorship of data is creating false identities for private online activity such as email, phone calls and browsing. While this may prevent some misuse of your personal data, maintaining multiple identities risks losing your real identity as an individual human being. While we need encryption in the short run, we need to dismantle the technocratic machine that seeks to control us.

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Pamela Geller: Who Is Behind The Internet Thought Police?

Pamela Geller asks the question, to what degree is the Internet thought police influenced by Islamic and agenda? The answer may be disturbing but TN has consistently noted that there is a distinct link between Technocracy and radical Islam. In this case, Islamic operatives is positions of power are directing the media to be friendly toward Islam but harshly critical of everything else.

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United Nations Is Quietly Pushing International Gun Control

The United Nations knows better than to rile Americans over gun control, but that has not stopped them from quietly discussing how to do an end-run around the U.S. Constitution with crippling rules and regulations. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, has no room for resistance of self-defense.

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The Curious Relationship Between Climate Change, Immigration And Abortion

Since abortion was legalized in 1973 by the Roe v. Wade decision, America has terminated over 60 million babies. If these had been allowed to grow and become productive citizens, the baby-boomer generation would not be fretting over the possible bankruptcy of the Social Security trust fund, nor would America be $21 trillion in debt. Yet, instead of a raising a political remedy for a clearly documented man-made demographic genocide, politicians (and citizens) are instead freaked out over man-made global warming based on faulty data and bad science.

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UN’s World Water Forum Closes With Calls To Action On Justice, Human Rights and Youth

Imagine an International Court of Justice for Water, where 'water justice' rulings are made to control and allocate water to sustain life. The United Nations has fully set its sights on controlling all the water of the world. Further, it has tightly integrated water policy into the Sustainable Development Goals.

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5G: Harmful Effects Of A New Technology

As more journalists zero in on the concept of Technocracy, Technocrats and Scientific Dictatorship, articles like this are appearing to warn Americans of the dangers ahead. Jon Rappoport is one who 'gets it' and isn't afraid to call it like it is.

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