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Biden Issues Executive Order On ‘The Future Of Money’

Basically, Biden is opening the door to the destruction of paper currency on the flimsy excuse of defending against ransomware and cyber crime. The unnamed source said, "We could see a significant shift in policy in 180 days. This is a likely step toward creation of a central bank digital currency".

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War In Ukraine Is The WEF’s Doorway To Global Technocracy

Don't be fooled by the deluge of propaganda stating the war is between Russia and Ukraine. Rather, it is a war between Technocracy and the rest of the world. As the nation state model of government dissolves, it will be replaced by leaders of the corporate world, central bank oligarchs and private financial institutions.

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As Biden Bans Russian Oil, Democrats Call For Immediate Transition To Green Energy

Oregon Senators Merkley and Widen welcome sanctions and higher gasoline prices because it will "hasten moves toward more renewable energy". Wyden notes the "urgent need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and gas imports from countries ruled by tyrants like Vladimir Putin" while ignoring the fact that America was 100% energy sufficient before Biden took office.

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Analysis: Large Scale Cyberattack Is Now Imminent

Technocracy's war on humanity must be viewed as a series of strategically-engineered waves designed to break down enemy strongholds. No war in history has been prosecuted with just a single attack. Thus, COVID was one wave of attack. The next wave is most likely to be cyberattack related. There could be a fourth and a fifth. 

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Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely

Technocracy clearly stated in 1934 that they intended to track all production and consumption, and to keep a detailed file on every person. Technocrats then slipped into Nazi Germany to collect all data on undesirables like Gypsies, blacks, invalids and Jews, and marched them all into concentration camps and gas chambers.

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The IMF Is Firmly On Board For Central Bank Digital Currencies

Like vaccine passports and digital identity schemes, there has been zero public debate over central bank digital currencies as they are rolled out around the world. All global banking institutions like the IMF, World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements, are pushing as hard as they can.

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Ukraine Trigger: New Energy Order, Digital Transformation, Health Architecture

I have said that Technocracy's coup d'état started in 2020 with the COVID pandemic and that there would be other "shoes" to drop in the near future: War in Ukraine fits the criteria because  a new energy order is emerging, as well as a digital security state. Increased cyber attacks will generate calls for a universal identity to gain access to the Internet and basic necessities such as food, transportation, etc.

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Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order

The wrenching transformation of the World Economic Forum's Fourth Industrial Revolution can be called many things for now, but in the end it will be Technocracy that controls what is left of the current world system. This is a reality that must be stated over and over, a thousand times at maximum volume, before the rest of the world gets the big picture and soundly rejects it.

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Mandates And Lockdowns Failed Miserably, But Are Still Being Pushed?

It started with Imperial College London in 2020 when epidemiologists claimed that millions would die but that lockdowns would reduce mortality by up to 98 percent. These claims were 100 percent false and fabricated out of thin air while flying in the face of plain evidence to the contrary.

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