Search Results for agenda 21

Facebook: You Don’t Own Your Face, We Do

Facebook's massive facial recognition database grows each time you tag a face to a person's name. Does that give FB the permanent right to catalog your face? What about your clothing and posture? All these can be used to identify you on the street, without your knowledge or consent. Technocrats are data addicts who can never get enough data.

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Cashless: The Globalist One World Currency Will Look A Lot Like Bitcoin

Brandon Smith is one of the first to suggest that the global banking oligarchy appears headed toward a single digital currency that resembles Bitcoin. I fully concur that this is the primary reason for removing physical cash from societies around the world. First, it forces everyone into the digital system and second, it paves the way to convert all the digital currencies into a single currency. Lastly, I fully expect that energy will be the touchstone regulator of the entire system.

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Kiss Idaho Goodbye: Another Major Land Takeover

We might have expected President Trump to stop the massive land grab in the west, but remember that he is a real estate mogul first. Idaho may soon become a mere shadow of its former self. The scam of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy) is Grab all the Resources.

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World Leaders Gather In Beijing While The US Sinks Into Irrelevancy

Remembering that a) the Trilateral Commission set out in 1973 to create a "New International Economic Order" and b) its members essentially adopted and invested in China to become a Technocracy, it is not coincidental that the U.S. is finally being taken off the world stage as the primary economic power, and China is taking over. I have said for decades that this is an economic coup and not a political coup. Just about everyone has missed this 800 pound gorilla in the living room.

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