Search Results for agenda 21

Trump Creates The American Technology Council To ‘Transform’ Information Technology

President Trump has just created and signed a new Executive Order that creates the American Technology Council (ATC). The Council will consist of several Cabinet members and other high-level intelligence officials, such as the Director of National Intelligence, Secretary of Homeland Security and the National Security Advisor.

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UN: Faced With ‘Clear Science, Real Threats’, Countries Must Remain Committed To Paris Agreement

The UN is desperately trying to keep the nations of the world in line and committed to the Paris Climate Agreement of December 2015. Sentiment is slipping because of real science that is debunking the pseudo-science of global warming. However, the UN well knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will eventually believe it.

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Obama Seized Enough Land And Water In 8 Years To Cover Texas Three Times

People do not realize that Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development and 2030 Agenda, calls for usurping earth's resources from private and state ownership. This is the biggest land grab in the history of the world and it has no intention of saving these resources for future generations not even born yet (i.e., your children and/or grandchildren).

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Is The Global Warming Hustle Finally Falling Apart?

The global warming fraud needs to be killed once and for all, but don't think that will deter the UN and the global elite from rushing ahead with Sustainable Development. The march to global Technocracy will proceed at full speed unless we stop it as well.

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