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WEF Global Risks Report 2022 Imagines All The Critical Threats To The World

Hiding behind the respectability of scholarship, wealth and position, the WEF offers a smorgasbord of propaganda and fear-producing possibilities: Vaccine inequality, social fractures. geopolitical tensions, environmental collapse, global warming disaster, cybersecurity failure, migration disorder, war in space.

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Rickards: The Supply Chain Is The Global Economy

If globalization were a living body, then the Supply Chain represents the cardio-vascular system need to transport goods and services (the blood) between global destinations. When globalization suffers a heart attack, ie, the collapse of the Supply Chain, globalization will fall to the ground like a brick and die.

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Wood On Free Speech: The Weapon To Fight Scientific Dictatorship

As Technocracy reveals its iron-fisted tyrannical nature and intentions to conquer the world, the war on Free Speech is their vanguard. When the resistance is silenced, there will be no more resistance and Technocracy will roll over the world at breakneck speed. This is a must-view interview.

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Pandora’s Box Opened: Swedes Adopt Implanted Chips As Vaccine Passports

The author rightly concludes, "Scientism is their faith. Technology is their sacrament. Their cult is a cyborg theocracy. Even if they rain fire from the sky with the press of a button, never bend the knee to their silicon gods." The evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism are both rooted in Scientism.

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Robogeddon: Autonomous ‘Slaughterbots’ Programmed To Kill

Technocrats invent because the can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. When AI, GIS, GPS, facial recognition and military hardware meet, what would you expect other than automated slaughter? It's faster, easier and far removed from pulling the trigger with an enemy in your sights.

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Rickards: The Great Supply Chain Collapse

Technocracy must murder capitalism and free market economics in order to flip the world - and humanity - into a Great Reset. The collapse of the global supply chain should be seen as an atomic weapon that will upend and disrupt every economy on earth. This is the fragility caused by globalism's so-called "interdependence" of global economies started in the 1970s.

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Flashback: Social Credit And The Dark Side Of Blockchain

Technocrat Jack Dorsey recently resigned from Twitter's dystopian culture to immerse himself full-time into the bitcoin and blockchain technology world in order to "reset the internet" (Web 3.0) and decentralize traditional global structures. Dorsey's dystopian touch will expose blockchain as the ultimate system of total control.

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Modern Globalization: Nothing Less Than The Biggest Land Grab In History

Since the 1970s, I have said that the "New International Economic Order" was nothing less than a massive resource grab to suck everything into the hands of a narrow group of oligarchs. This was later revealed as "Sustainable Development", aka Technocracy. How else could the WEF say, "You will own nothing and be happy"? Well, somebody has to own everything!

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Kennedy On Fauci: ‘Apocalyptical Forces Of Ignorance And Greed And Totalitarianism’

This is the face of Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. Social engineering and herd management principals are elevated to a status of 'prime directive' and then quietly executed behind the curtain. Now, that curtain is being ripped apart, exposing total disregard for human life and wellbeing.

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WHO Meets To Craft Global Pandemic Treaty With Teeth To Punish

The World Health Organization already has broad influence over nations through bi-lateral agreements and memorandums, but it now seeks to consolidate its power by creating a global Treaty that would resemble the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Offenders would be queued up for punishment.

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