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David Stockman: Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom

Well-known economist David Stockman sounds a lot like Patrick Wood in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation: "Today’s great threat to capitalist prosperity, personal liberty and constitutional government as we have known it is not Marxism, socialism or any other variant of traditional left-wing ideology." Scientism is the supporting philosophy of both Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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Technocracy’s Perilous Swan Dive Into Outright Totalitarianism

The overarching global narrative is alternatively called "GlobalCap" by C.J. Hopkins and "Mr. Global" by Catherine Austin Fitts. TN readers understand it as Technocracy, and the only way it can rise is out of the ashes of a collapsed global economy and subservient populace. These grinding forces are driving societies to violence that nobody wants.

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Aspen Institute’s Orwellian Commission On Controlling Speech In America

The Aspen Institute is a quasi-religious organization originally founded as Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. It was tightly affiliated with the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s and continues to be a mouthpiece for Trilateral policies. That Aspen campaign against Free Speech has deep globalist roots.

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Singapore’s Technocracy Dream Is Turning Into A Surveillance State Nightmare

Singapore is long acknowledged as a Technocracy and is home to Parag Khanna, author of Technocracy in America.  The PR spin on Singapore claims it is a bastion of enlightened and progressive living, but the reality of actually living there is intolerant authoritarianism, massive and constant surveillance, curtailed rights.

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Part II: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

While the world focuses on global warming and pandemics, the greatest heist of all time is taking place right under our nose: "For them it means possession of everything: every resource on the planet, all land, all water, the air we breath and the natural world in its entirety, including all of us."

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Fitts: Toward Global Technocracy And Slavery

Technocracy views humans as a natural resource to be exploited, similar to oil or livestock. Controlling economic activity, therefore, requires controlling all the resources. Since energy is the gas pedal to all economic output, Technocrats create a "sustainable development" equation under their total control.

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Great Reset: Biden Pledges To ‘Remake’ American Economy At UN Conference

But, he says don't worry, that his agenda will help Americans save energy by installing solar panels on their homes to make them more energy efficient. This is patently insane Technocrat babbling about saving the world by destroying the world. In the end, the anti-carbon rhetoric will be seen as anti-human.

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COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect Of Owning Nothing

The snake is eating its tail. Curtailing energy in any form curtails economic activity by the same amount because all economic activity requires energy. Many countries will have a cold, dark winter thanks to the contrived energy crunch around the world. The transformation to Technocracy is predicated on the destruction of the existing economic system.

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Glasgow, COP26, World Economic Forum, Great Reset

Get ready for the "Glasgow Declaration" as the UN meets with global oligarchs from the World Economic Forum in Glasgow to hammer out the destruction of the old economic system and the initiation of the Great Reset. As attendees fly in on private jets, the discussions will focus on removing carbon from the atmosphere

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Mercola: Chinese Defector Reveals COVID Origin

It is ultimately important to know for certain where SARS-CoV-2 was engineered and what motive was behind its release. Technocrats in China have no problem working with Technocrats in the United States or around the world, to achieve common goals. The non-stop propaganda machine since January 2020, is definitely trying to obscure the truth.

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