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Here Is The Web Of Technocrat Propagandists Who Silence Truth

Technocrat propaganda has risen to levels never seen before as multiple propagandist giants band together to blanket the the world with false and fabricated narratives. Obscuring truth, shaming and marginalizing detractors, slandering, and defaming are a few of their tools used to promote their narrative while denying all others the ability to refute.

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NIH Director Collins Resigns Over Gain-Of-Function Lies

One top medical Technocrat bites the dust in shame as he resigns after 10 years of leadership at the National Institute of Health. Along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Collins was up to his eyeballs in denials of funding gain-of-function research for coronavirus in the US and China. Fauci seems to be more thick-skinned than Collins, resisting demands to resign.

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When Elon Musk Hooked Up With The Pagan Witch

When Technocrat Musk met Transhumanist/occultist Grimes, they spawned a baby in 2020 whose given name is "X Æ A-XII". Now a toddler, X Æ A-XII calls his mother by her birth name, "Claire". Even though Musk and Grimes are recently separated, the connection has been forever established: Technocracy and Transhumanism are joined at the hip like Siamese Twins and shrouded in occult darkness.

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Endgame: Forced Vaccination Targets WEF ‘Great Reset’ As Outcome

Don't be "gaslighted" by the World Economic Forum or the Big Pharma medical system: These have declared war on humanity by ripping apart the fabric of society through tyranny. It is a scorched-earth strategy that provides the survivors with the opportunity to "build back better." The losers will left in a state of neo-feudalism where "you will own nothing and be happy."

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The Danger Of Ignoring Dictatorial Powers of a Technocracy

An increasing number of people are waking up to the fact that Technocracy is a clear and present danger and that it intends to create a scientific dictatorship. Further, Technocracy is the mortal enemy of all citizen-involved political systems such as a Constitutional Republic in America.

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Technocrats Are Preparing ‘Mandatory’ Personal Carbon Allowances

As forecast, the pandemic and global warming memes are merging because they are both orchestrated by the exact same alarmist crowd of Sustainable Development ideologues. The UN's Sustainable Development goals are the plumb line for the future of humanity and are totally embedded in the WEF's Great Reset.

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Technocracy And The Covidian Cult

If one substitutes C.J. Hopkins' concept of "global capitalism" with Technocracy, this article paints a detailed and revealing portrait: "a new form of totalitarianism, a globalized, pathologized, depoliticized form, which is being systematically implemented under the guise of “protecting the public health.'”

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