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Slavery Ahead: The Technocratic Convergence Of Humans And Data

It has been said, "Two percent of the people think, eight percent think they think and ninety percent would rather die than think." We hope TN readers fall into the first  group as they are challenged by this scholarly and insightful article on the Technocratic Convergence. These are the issues that will determine America's fate.

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How the Corrupt World Health Organization Promotes Medical Tyranny Throughout The World

Whatever the WHO was at the beginning, it has been totally subsumed by global actors such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, GAVI and Big Pharma. As a full-fledged agency of the UN, the WHO is corrupt from top to bottom and totally dedicated to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy

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Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist Over Bashing Ivermectin, Needless Deaths Of Indian Patients

This will bring yawns to most Americans but it is the biggest story in India thus far in the pandemic era. The Indian Bar Association is suing WHO's chief scientist for purposefully misleading India's medical establishment over live-saving Ivermectin.

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The Mideast Is In Chaos

President Biden’s Administration has destroyed peace and the balance of power in the Mideast. So, who is reporting on it?  Not many. Radical Islamic terrorist…

Twitter Says Taliban Can Stay On Platform

Anyone who wants to make the world a better place is quickly banned from Twitter. Conversely, the destroyers of societies are allowed to remain, like the Taliban which would like to behead every freedom loving American citizen. What's wrong with this picture?

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Analysis: When Technocracy Replaces Democracy

The writer sates, "Technocracy has become a ubiquitous feature in the national pandemic response." While the world recognizes Technocracy as the natural enemy of other forms of government, the United States remains largely clueless.

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Fauci Exposed: Censors Science To Protect Himself

Selective censorship of science is an oxymoron and produces subjective pseudo-science in its place. Fauci, a modern-day carpetbagger, has raised selective censorship to an dystopian art form and Americans should call for his immediate termination or resignation.

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Whence The Internet?

The Internet is the ultimate tool of control over the entire planet. Let me count the ways: The Internet is global and now reaches every…