Search Results for china

Big Pharma’s Worst Nightmare: Global Rebellion Against Vaccine Mandates Explodes

This news is heavily censored in American media and even when one story appears, the dots are not connected to all the other countries that are rising up against mandated vaccination. However, Big Pharma likely doesn't care what people do as long as the billions keep rolling in.

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The Balkanization Of The Global Internet Is Inevitable

As the world rolls into Technocrat authoritarianism, it will flavor all aspects of the Internet. In China, IP level censorship is now standard practice, driving users to self-sensor activities so as not to get banned altogether. The West is increasingly adopting the same model.

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Global Scholar Parag Khanna: ‘The Pandemic Proves Only Technocrats Can Save Us’

A first-tier global scholar, Dr. Parag Khanna, writes in a premier global publication, FP, that 'only Technocrats can save us'. That Technocracy is engaged in a global coup d'etat is now beyond question. The world will soon belong to Technocrats if world citizens do not reject it first. This is a must-read article.

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Permanent Pandemic, Permanent Fear, Permanent Injections

A leading epidemiologist predicts that variants of COVID-19 will reveal a permanent pandemic that can only be headed off by a continuous series of unapproved gene therapy injections - to every inhabitant of earth. In other words, it will never end. This is flies in the face of modern medicine and established scientific practices.

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Technocracy Cometh: Government Dictates ‘Truth’, Rejects Truth-Tellers

Technocracy's plans to transform society and Transhumanism's plans to transform humans cannot stand up in the light of verified truth, so they lie, obfuscate the truth, destroy the messengers of truth, create academic chaos, etc. Now, the government has been coopted to create an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth": "How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?"

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Boris Johnson’s Transformation From ‘Conservative’ Libertarian To Technocrat Tyrant

If COVID lockdowns were not bad enough, Chinese-style social credit scoring is establishing itself in Britain as Boris Johnson seeks to control food consumption and exercise regimens. Technocrats in Britain have totally betrayed the Brexit movement by imposing an even worse dictatorship on their own people than the EU could have ever done.

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It Begins: The Demonization Of The Unvaxxed

If I were a Professor of World History, I would make this article required reading and then drill the concepts into my students head. Critical thinking must survive if Western Civilization is to survive, but Technocrats have other ideas for world domination.

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