Search Results for great reset

WEF Reset: Pandemic Could Usher In Universal Health Coverage

Data-driven or "evidence-based" medicine is a purely Technocrat concept at the center of herd management principles. The WEF sees Telemedicine and AI as the ultimate dispenser of health services to an unsuspecting population where personal doctor-patient relationships will not be allowed.

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Biden Presidency Would Reset Liberal Technocratic Government

Technocrats have prevailed under a Trump Administration but would be supercharged under a Biden regime. The Green New Deal, aka Technocracy, the Paris global warming accord, UN programs, etc., would all emerge as prime Technocrat initiatives

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Mercola: Whistleblowers Claim Pandemic Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetuated On The Human Race

I have written and spoken right from the beginning of pandemic rhetoric that although the virus is real, the pandemic narrative was a gigantic global scam perpetrated by the same Technocrats that perpetuated radical climate alarmism. Same people, same crooked computer models, same outcome.

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The Insidious Cult Of World Order Is Clearly Seen

Technocrats have always been careful to disguise their spiritual inclinations, but that doesn't mean they are devoid of belief; indeed, they all are a part of the "cult of world order," seeking to transform the physical planet and the people who live there, Think "Great Reset" and "Forth Industrial Revolution" as representing Technocracy and Transhumanism. 

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The Coming Death Throes Of Capitalism And Free Market Economics

Technocracy cannot flourish until capitalism and free market economics die a permanent death. Thus, there is an unprecedented moral hazard to give Humpty Dumpty a good push off the wall. The Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Green New Deal, etc., are all positioned to destroy our prevailing economic system.

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Environmentalists Betray The Environment They Claim To Protect

In the early 1970s, the original environmental movement was hijacked by big money (think Rockefeller dynasty), transformed, radicalized and weaponized against capitalism and free market economics. It was never intended to save the world, but rather to destroy it, and hence, make way for the ultimate "Great Reset" as proclaimed by the World Economic Forum.

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Ministry Of Truth: Protecting Technocrat Oligarchs On Digital Platforms

The United Nations is a hard core Ministry of Truth. Fleming states that "they" - the UN - vastly outnumber the misinformation "haters"; she is dead wrong and living in her own fantastical bubble. However, as the pinnacle of Technocracy, the UN will do everything it can to quash all opposing narratives so that the Great Reset can continue unabated. 

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