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Joe Allen: Countdown to Gigadeath – From AI Arms Race to Artilect War

ChatGPT has not reached the level of  expected Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), but it is close and is expected by 2024. Certainly by 2025. With the exponential explosion of machine-created "intelligence", human intelligence is at risk of being completely overwhelmed and disrupted on a planetary scale. The domination of man's mental processes could be final key to full-blown global technocracy.

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The Global Energy Crisis Is Redrawing Geopolitical Maps

The energy crisis, largely Technocrat-made or Technocrat-caused, it shaking the earth. Energy is the focus of Technocracy and the desire for total control has sparked the war on traditional fuels for the sake of implementing alternative sources like windmills and solar panels that are easily controlled

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Siemens Chairman Calls for ‘Billion People to Stop Eating Meat’

The giant tech company Siemens and its chairman are completely sold out to Technocracy and total control over humanity. Upending traditional agriculture makes way for artificial lab-grown protein and insect farms. Snabe can eat whatever he wants, but he has no business telling you what you should eat!

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‘A New System’: Inside DAVOS Summit 2023

The Agenda at this year's WEF Summit in Davos was set prior to arrival of guests: it's all about a "new system". Of course, this is the intended system to be produced by the WEF's highly-prized Great Reset, aka Sustainable Development, Fourth Industrial Revolution and Technocracy. Never mind that the "new system" will turn all economic activity on its ear; or civilization on its head. Brainwashing is as brainwashing does.

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Criminal Minds See The Internet of Things Is The Next Big Hacking Prize

Technocrats are building out the Internet of Things using 5G wireless communications to connect everything that can be connected. However, the IoT is infinitely hackable because of so many unsecured points of entry. This hackable playground is also extending to the Internet of Everything and the Internet of Bodies. Imagine someone gaining access to a patient's pacemaker and turning it off.

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CBDCs: Trojan Horse For Total Control?

This is a balanced policy view of Central Bank Digital Currencies. There is no doubt that CBDCs are coming, but how they manifest will be full of twists and turns. Even though central banks are generally shepherded by the Bank for International Settlements, each bank is heavily flavored by national interests of individual states.

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Unholy Trinity: Facebook As Fact, Government As Truth, Big Pharma As God

Billions are trapped in the Matrix that tells them what to think, when to think and how to think. Their reality is manipulated by a small cohort of international perpetrators who seem themselves as worthy to direct the fate of the whole world. Wonder why Free Speech under siege? Well, speak up and help these people get free.

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China Is The Pied Piper Of Global Technocracy

China's zero-Covid lockdowns may be little more than theatrics to further Technocracy in the world. The author concludes, "A system neither communist nor capitalist, but absorbing the worst vices of whilst purging the virtues. Zero Covid is just China working as the other side of the scissors." When human lives mean nothing, sacrificing them for gaining an objective is par for the course.

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Warning From UK: Technocracy And The Global Technate Are Imminent

As other writers see Technocracy for what it is: "A Technate degrades the citizen to the status of a dog or a machine. We only exist to serve Continental Control and the Function Sequence directorates. These will be led by an untouchable parasite class who claim peck-rights and absolute authority over all." The distinction between mere Technocratic governance and a full-blown Technate is critical to understand.

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