Search Results for food

Is Alibaba’s Jack Ma Using AI To Create Dystopian Cities?

Alibaba and Jack Ma are to China what Google and Eric Schmidt are to the U.S. Both are billionaires, both push dystopia cities and both are closely tied to their government. Note that Schmidt was appointed head of a Pentagon committee designed to integrate Silicon Valley into the intelligence services.

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Facial Recognition In Retail Stores: Are Shoppers Ready For It?

Retail stores are planning opt-in facial recognition in return for giving you shopping rewards. Thus, your biometric data as well as your buying history will be available for sale to the highest bidder. When combined with data from other stores, the data-hungry Technocrats will know more about you than you know about yourself.

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Mini-“Robot Supermarkets” Assemble Customer Orders On Demand

The entire trillion dollar grocery industry is transforming before your eyes as Amazon sparks a robot war with other grocery store enterprises. Stores will be largely free of cashiers, pickers and stockers, putting millions of people out of work. Technocrats invent because they can not because there is a good reason to do so.

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