Search Results for china

Shadowy DARPA-Linked Company Took Over ‘Chunk’ Of Pentagon’s Internet In Inauguration Day Mystery

Something big is brewing with control over and surveillance of the Internet. With the Biden Administration pushing for government control over the nation's Internet infrastructure, it is revealed that the Pentagon (creator of the Internet in the first place) is shifting massive numbers of unused IP addresses to shadowy entities.

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Flashback: How And Why The CIA Made Google

This masterful white paper documents the events and people surrounding the founding of Google. It should be read and understood by every American because it represents the greatest social engineering program of all time. Google was not accidental, nor was it simply fulfilling the needs of a new marketplace.CIA

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7 Key Reasons Why Vaccine Passports Are A Dangerous Idea

With vaccine injuries spiraling upwards, Technocrats are scrambling to implement vaccine passports before it is too late to convince a skittish public to accept them. It is a dangerous sign of impending tyranny and should be resisted at all costs.

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Rickards: The War On Cash, Phase II

TN has covered the war on cash as a prime initiative of Technocracy. Technocrats cannot tolerate anonymity or lack of control over any segment of society. Thus, driving cash out of circulation and ultimately replacing it with a digital currency will force every human on earth to hook up to the "system".

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How Big Banks Will Force Americans Into The Great Reset

The global banks will be the principal fulcrum to lever the world into the Great Reset, which is Technocracy, a resource-based economic system where oligarchs own everything and citizens own nothing. The pandemic was merely a rehash of Greta Thunberg stamping her feet to get people to panic over climate change

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Technocrat Vision For The Future Of Food

In 2014, China announced it was moving 100 million rural farmers off of their property and into cities, in order to make way for industrialized farming. Bill Gates has similar thoughts on the use of agricultural land, and has already amassed 242,000 acres of prime farmland.

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