Search Results for food

Corrupt Scientists Driven To Resign, but Not Climate Scientists?

Top researchers and scientists are being forced to resign over egregious ethical violations and conflicts of interest, but it appears that climate scientists are still getting a free pass. Climate science has been rife with purposely falsified data and the same kind of ethical breaches as found in this story.

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Amazon Plans To Open 3,000 Cashierless, Cashless Stores By 2021

Amazon will dominate online as well as physical retail by 2025 but will force others to use its dystopian technology to compete. This system employs the most comprehensive level of surveillance imaginable, measuring eye-movement, emotions, movement within the store and everything you touch, allowing AI to build a psychological profile on every shopper.

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China Is Inventing Whole New Way To Oppress A People

China is completely intolerant of any religion that does not support their Technocracy. Technocrats are self-proclaimed social engineers who view nations and people groups as herds of animals that must be managed. Even worse, they are exporting their brand of Technocracy to the rest of the world.

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Sun Went Blank For Most Of 2018, Promises Big Freeze Winter

Global warming alarmists will not welcome winter's potential deep freeze in 2018, but predictably, they will figure out a way to blame it on global warming anyway. No amount of evidence to the contrary will change their mind, which proves that they have turned their position into a religion.

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Your City Can’t Become ‘Smart’ Without Proper Payment Infrastructure

The combination of Internet of Things and Fintech powered high-speed wireless communications of 5G will enable Smart Cities function as intended by Technocrat social engineers. Without any one of those three, Smart Cities would be a total flop. Thus, your local action  in your own city could potentially have a huge impact on scuttling Technocracy.

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Missouri First State To Declare That ‘Meat’ Means ‘Meat’

Tofu is not meat; neither is lab-grown tissue. However, meat-haters have long been trying to have non-meat products marketed as meat to confuse consumers and harm the animal husbandry industry. Missouri has made history by standing up to this cartel by legislating that 'meat' means 'meat' and nothing else.

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Structural Reform: Japan’s Radical Energy Technocrats Drive Smart Cities

Energy is always at the heart Technocracy. In Japan, Technocrats are restructuring the energy industry in order to transform traditional cities into Smart Cities. The result will be control over every facet of living, ie., Scientific Dictatorship. Apparently, the Japanese citizenry has no idea what is happening right under their nose.

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The Race Heats Up For More Genetically Modified Seed Technologies

There is a proliferation of  startup companies with new visions of advanced GMO technology to modify the human food supply. Technocrats believe that every problem facing man requires a scientific solution. Where there is no obvious problem, one will be created and then solved. In this case, the long-term effect of modifying the food chain is totally unknowable.

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Chicago Eyes Universal Basic Income As Solution To Robot Invasion Of Workplace

Technocracy uses science to perfect social engineering  on a global scale, but Technocrats have no answers on how to handle displaced workers... except to just give them money. This will result in creating a new societal class of people who are unemployable and hence locked into permanent poverty.

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