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Beware: Researcher Says Most Scientific Studies Are Wrong

The glaring fallacy in Technocracy is that the data are bent to justify their theories. This crept in when early Technocrats realized that their 'Science of Social Engineering' could not be supported with legitimate data. Today's news plays out like the childhood game 'Simon Says" but substituted with 'Science Says'.

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Pope Francis’ Bait And Switch: Traditional Theology For Global Warming

Millions of Catholics are perplexed and disillusioned by Pope Francis' rejection of traditional church theology in favor of the radical environmentalism of global warming and the U.N.'s Sustainable Development. Also, his dedication to Communist theology is clearly seen by the symbol worn around his neck: Jesus crucified upon the hammer and sickle of the former USSR.

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Smart Buildings Are Paving The Way Toward Smart Cities

Technocracy's 1930s claim of being the "science of social engineering" is clearly seen in every aspect of today's smart buildings and smart cities. Advanced technology is used to monitor, manage, control and predict every conceivable aspect of urban existence.

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Millions Gave Ancestry Their DNA But Is It Really Secure? has collected over 5 million samples of DNA and is growing exponentially. The resulting data trove is the holy grail to data-hungry Technocrats. Police, insurance companies, intelligence operations, etc., all want to get their hands on this data. All it takes is one creative hacker to crack their system.

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Stockton, CA Fights Poverty With Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton, California has been in and out of bankruptcy but now sees the light on solving its large homeless problem: simply give taxpayer money away to all of them ala Technocracy's "Universal Basic Income". This is a localized version of wealth re-distribution and is all but guaranteed to throw the city back into bankruptcy.

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