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George Orwell: Jaded Revolutionary And Dystopian Writer

Although the phrase "Big Brother" is a colloquialism in modern language, few understand the George Orwell who wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1948. Orwell had experienced radical Stalinism first-hand and saw the future of political systems if left in the hands of evil men.

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U.S. Transportation Department Is Funding Surveillance Network

The federal government is using every dirty trick in the book to spread massive surveillance among civilian populations, in this case, using the transportation system under the direction of globalist Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. Any city council could stop these initiatives dead in their tracks if they wanted to, but many welcome the money instead.

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We’re All Trespassers Now In The Face Of Government Land Grabs

TN has long claimed that the real end-game of Technocracy is the global elite capturing the major resources of the planet, all of which is represented by land: mining, forestry, agriculture, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is 100% anti-property rights and would have all people owning nothing.

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Renewed Calls For North American Union Based On Technocracy

Dr. Parag Khana, author of Technocracy in America, calls for Trump to scrap NAFTA and go directly to a North American Union. Under President George Bush, the NAU idea was driven into oblivion by American activists, including this writer. It was and still is a notion of Technocracy that Mexico and Canada should merge with the US to become a continental technate, ruled by Technocrats.

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The Universal War On Cash Is Gaining Momentum

Removing cash from the economy forces everyone to become digitalized whether they like it or not. It destroys the last semblance of anonymity and privacy, allowing the Technocrat banking machine to harvest every monetary transaction in the world. Blockchain will become the perfect medium of 'preserving' transactions except that the data will be held by centralized supercomputers.

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Blockchain Usage Spreads To Climate Action, Sustainable Development

To a Technocrat, all conceivable problems can only be solved with technology, and if unsuccessful on the first few tries, then throw more technology at it. The UN pledges to eliminate poverty around the world; the answer is to embed sensors to cookstoves to collect blockchain information? People who are treated like livestock will never escape their corrals.

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UN Claim: Energy Is A Basic Human Right

Freedom is a basic human right, while energy is not. Energy is a commercially-produced product that is available for a fee, in order to extend your personal horsepower beyond your own efforts. Everyone should be free to purchase energy if they have the need to do so, but nobody has the right to demand free energy just because they are human.

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