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The Lockdowners: Dead Wrong Twelve Times In A Row

"The Lockdowners" have indeed been dead wrong, but their pseudo-scientific policies have caused the deaths of tens of thousands in America, for which there is no accountability. Who is able to put the brakes on these would-be social engineers?

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Technocrat Andrew Yang Calls For Barcoding Vaccine Recipients

Technocrats view humanity as just another herd of animals, like cattle. Herds need to be corralled, managed and coded for careful monitoring and individual care. They are fed tailored diets and medicated. It's an easy life for the cattle, until you realize that they all end up in the slaughter house in the end.

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Christian Purge Envisioned During Biden/Harris Administration

Anti-Christian vitriol is rising out of the radical Democrat left and is more clearly framing a coming religious war in America that blames Christians for impeding the "progress" of a dark agenda. The Scientism that underpins Technocracy and Transhumanism only recognizes scientific truth while specifically excluding Biblical truth as mythical, unfounded and dangerous.

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Technopopulism Explains Trump Administration’s Affinity For Technocrats

Populists leans on Technocrats to "make things work" but it is often a conflicted and tumultuous partnership. Technocracy under Trump has made great strides in 5G, surveillance, Internet of Things, AI, Operation Warp Speed, etc. Whether Technopopulism or liberal Technocracy, Technocrats win in the end.

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Global Corporate Rollout Of ‘Digital Passports’ With Vaccine History Tied To Personal IDs

A global registry of every person on earth will include all of your current and historical personal, financial, psychological, emotional, political, medical, educational and even genetic data. If data is the new oil, then Technocrats are striking it rich as the new ruling class.

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UN’s Anti-Human Push To De-Carbonize The World

The UN's irrational war on carbon is a war against humanity itself. However, if depopulation is the ultimate goal, then it makes perfect sense because the human body is 12% carbon. The carbon cycle in food production and human nutrition requires CO2, and abundantly so.

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